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Posted: 23-08-2003 23:53
by YoYo789
Can I please mention one thing. DB is the most fun I've ever had in a multiplayer game.

Posted: 24-08-2003 00:03
by DavidM
Maybe I have said that something is shitty, but only to certain aspects, not "this map sucks ass"....all claim it, I never did it

Now get the hell out of here.

Posted: 24-08-2003 00:08
by Holy_Surfing
can't ya just ban him for a while... say, 'til next millenium?

Posted: 24-08-2003 00:20
by RaGe|DB
Holy_Surfing wrote: can't ya just ban him for a while... say, 'til next millenium?

ban = lame
its abusing ur power tbh :/ he aint doing anything wrong so dont ban,

Posted: 24-08-2003 00:28
by DavidM
Then he re-registers, but we can do it as BUF does, contact the ISP if someone re-registers.

Posted: 24-08-2003 04:51
by Surgey
#1. I'm not violating the TOS
#2. Your in europe, I'm in Canada. My ISP doesnt give a shit if i'm not doing anything wrong.

Posted: 24-08-2003 05:58
by insaneh

Die david ur one fucking cocky son of a bitch this mod is gonna die and i hope it does because is has shit leader (david) and that shit leader will be the cause burn in hell

Posted: 24-08-2003 06:01
by insaneh
surge got banned for no reaosn, i got banend for spamming, spamming is the reaosn this site is still alive

surge shares his thought and throw shit at him gg take that shit and stick it up ur ass ignorant fuck tard

he dint violate the tos and im sure i didnt, i spammed when underneath of "of topic " board said spam is legal etc and i get banned gg, like surge said my isp dont give 2 fucks about what some retarded german has to say kthx

as i said before burn in hell because thats where u belong (<3 rage)

Posted: 24-08-2003 06:02
by insaneh
ugh im so close to flooding these forums, i can get a geek so flood these forums i just hafta wait a week or two heh

then we'll see muahahahaha

ban me all u want i dont really care but we'll see whos gonna be laffin when this mod falls yay

Posted: 24-08-2003 10:06
by DudeGuy
insaneh wrote: i can get a geek

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 24-08-2003 11:26
by TheLastSurge - Forums Rules:

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please press the Agree button at the end of the page. Note: By pressing the button you declare that you are over the age of 13. If you are 13 or under, please use this registration form.

Although the administrators and moderators of - Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of - Forums or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of - Forums have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

You seem to forget the same rules apply to you David... your not god.

Posted: 24-08-2003 11:29
by DavidNubcakE
roooooooooooofl pwnt

Posted: 24-08-2003 11:39
by canash
DOH always thought that \o/ /o\ \o\ and /o/ = lol :/

Posted: 26-08-2003 06:44
by BioHazard
to be honest , if you ask me davidm & his team worked on this mod from the beginning till now and always stayed with us , and kept giving us updates . they work daily to help us best , hell they even gave us a league O.o . david does all he can to help deathball , other mods didnt live as long as deathball and im planning to prolly stay here till the end . If you are so good at critisizing other work then its time you saw how much they work and youd learn to show some respect

Posted: 28-08-2003 15:26
by Fallen
omg, next time davidm threatens us, get the admin to ban him!