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Posted: 23-08-2003 09:52
by Rens2Sea
I'm about to go out and buy a present(sp? :o) for my brother+wive

Posted: 23-08-2003 16:21
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
I'm downloading chasey lain pr0n on kazaa =/
Kazaa sux..
I hate it O_o

Posted: 23-08-2003 17:41
by Supreme
I just typed something on this forum

Posted: 23-08-2003 17:51
by Hugi
i`ve just come back ...i`ve been in the Dreisamstadium to watch sc freiburgs glorious victory over borussia mönchengladbach. sc freiburg won 4:1 :D

Posted: 23-08-2003 20:07
by RaGe|DB
i got the new ati radeon 9600 pro which gives me around 150-200 fps on cube \o/

Posted: 24-08-2003 10:39
by oom!!!!
i have gf4 ti 4200 gives me 14-16 fps on cube and 19 fps on teh lowcube2 wootah

Posted: 24-08-2003 21:38
by canash
i have just spned 10 mins. of my life, to read the threads :D

Posted: 25-08-2003 08:42
by Rens2Sea
I'm at work doing nothing, wanting to pee and to make some more useless smilies

Posted: 25-08-2003 09:25
by Rens2Sea
First one, looks familiar O_O \o/

Edit: hmm, his arms are fucked :/

Posted: 25-08-2003 10:05
by Rens2Sea
Oi, i'm mad :mad:

Posted: 25-08-2003 10:19
by Rens2Sea
This one is for Rage because he can't make stuff transparant -_-

Posted: 26-08-2003 00:52
by WickedSick
GG rens :D

Posted: 26-08-2003 10:27
by Rens2Sea
My boss said i can't watch this because it's too bloody :/:ban:

Posted: 26-08-2003 11:05
by -plær-
\ o/ Happy Tree Friends. So brutal, yet so funny.

Posted: 26-08-2003 13:23
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
I love the one with the eyeball :)
wow..u can almost feel it ^_^