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Posted: 19-08-2003 13:56
by HerbalTea
DiStUrbeD > 5 out of the 7 NA servers are private, and 1 of teh public servers is somebody's own comp (not to sure if it is R2C2's or Larc's)

I actually like playin on UnrealMachine's because there is also some new maps. And that is what I hate about the DB community, always the same freakin maps being played, NOTHING NEW. Every pug match and league game in NA is played on LC2!!

ThaGiMiC > Quakenet has nothing to do with it

People in the NA DB get jack squat given to them. Everything we have is paid for by ourselves or acquired with "blood and sweat"

What it boils down to is DavidM dosen't give a rat's ass about DB in NA, and he should cause that is where Unreal was created. I think his only goal is to win the prize money.

/too much rage to type out everything i want to say, so i'm done with it for now

Posted: 19-08-2003 14:39
by Inphidel
DiStUrbeD wrote: servers are a minor issue, an issue yes, because there aren't many, but an issue no, because nobody plays on them

I just counted right now, from the all seeing eye, there are:

7 NA servers (that show)

8 british servers

6 French servers

5 german servers

1 Italian Server

and 1 (i think) norweigan server (im not good with flags

It's obvious that nobody see's how DB is dying here, because the euros have such a large community, it overshadows the NA ones.

Here is a nice screenie of the Massive deathball server list (as of 12:35am pacific time)

YES SMALL ENCLOSURE! i was there last night, that rocked.

Posted: 19-08-2003 15:22
by f1end
I remember the first thread I ever read on this forum (well the old 1 anyway)

It was basically a slagging match between 13th Disciple and DavidM...from what I can remember 13th was trying to sort out a decent community in NA...and DavidM was being an 13th was more of an arse...etc.

The problem I saw straight away was the way people were talking to DavidM...

Rather than being "nice" about stuff, it was all "You f**king idiot, u f**ked up deathball" and stuff like that...He was then not nice back...then surge joined in...and sin and others, and it has escalated to the sorry state of affairs now, where DavidM totally ignores 70% of the community, Abuses 25%, and asks the rest to join his clan.

In his defense's not his fault that the company that supply free db servers are a euro company...they aren't HIS servers...are there not companys over in US that just run public servers? (like we have Jolt in UK). Anyway...most people prefer to play on a clan's server (yay for 123/4) than the crappy GS 1's (they crash loads)

But from what I've seen, the pings aren't "all" that bad...I was having a hard time scoring against a NA keeper on a Euro server the other why not come and join us here.

Dammit...been going on so long, I forgot my point...

Oh yeah, that was it...I didn't really have 1 :P

Posted: 19-08-2003 19:41
by DiStUrbeD
L33FY wrote: Rofl, french :D :D

I think you mean dutch

ya but as i said later in the post im not good with that flag shit

also, it was like 1am or something.

I play on some of the euro pugs when its late at night here (early morning, or afternoon for europe, shit if i know) and i ping horribly, i can barely do anything, and i OC left and right because my ping is too high (165 ping on DSL) might be because im on the west coast of the US, but still, i dont see the whole NA community, or..whats left of it, commuting to the euro servers, screw that.

Posted: 19-08-2003 22:32
by Surge
f1end wrote: It was basically a slagging match between 13th Disciple and DavidM...from what I can remember 13th was trying to sort out a decent community in NA...and DavidM was being an 13th was more of an arse...etc.

You are quite correct, but as the person responsible for the game i didnt see David M saying "let me handle it". All he does is insult people who try to do good for him and digs hiw own grave in the process. 13th may be an asshole, and he may be pretty stubborn, but when push comes to shove, hes a very reasonable person.

Remember thet whole DB center situation? Zanboo literally have police officers on route to his house, and all 13th wanted was an apology. Zan eventually gave him one and nothing more came of it. 13th wanted our community to survive. And where was David M through all this? "Zanboo didn't do anything". He didnt even help re-build the community after that dibocle, and now that 13th is gone, doesnt even try to rebuild it now when its practically dead.

Posted: 20-08-2003 10:58
by InSaNe
Surge strong words I quite agree.

David as a leader of the project is not doing his job. When spoken to the reply will either be negative(fuck if) or (ill look into it, or a reason to shut the person with the suggestion up). So as a person can he be suitable for the job? Not really. The DBC was the home of NA ballers, that got taken away and nothign was done, we posted over there to get away from flame threads, euros vs americans o/ but he's not doing his job listening to people, he says by doing this it will cause another problem, what bullshit and you can't say its hard job n shiz because thats just bullshit now I'm tired and going to bed kthx.