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Posted: 18-08-2003 19:14
by cY|riCo
FeEdiKo wrote: Many think that Sequa + Rico are lame, so remove them, they won't get many votes :rolleyes: :eek:

oh, and where is Goldey? he made and hostst he -_-


and where are your "votes"? :lol:

Posted: 18-08-2003 19:17
by Chrisfu
Who do I have to blow for a rimjob around here?

Posted: 18-08-2003 19:20
by Sequa
yes wtf fee?
1. its not a competition
2. u can only be popular if u are active in the forum and in pickups
3. why should rage remove us if he likes us?

Posted: 18-08-2003 19:21
by Chrisfu
Sequa do you love me? I'll love you if you love me.

Posted: 18-08-2003 19:23
by cY|riCo
Chrisfu i love ya too \o/


Posted: 18-08-2003 19:25
by Sequa
Chrisfu wrote: Sequa do you love me? I'll love you if you love me.


Posted: 18-08-2003 19:26
by cY|riCo


Posted: 18-08-2003 19:33
by Sequa
cY|riCo wrote: arg


ROFL :lol: :lol:

Posted: 18-08-2003 19:34
by cY|riCo


Posted: 18-08-2003 19:55
by cY|riCo
Sequa wrote: Image


Posted: 18-08-2003 19:56
by Armagon
I haven't really gotten to know many people on these forums, but if I had to make a list of those I DO know, this would be it (in no particular order).

Twigstir - For giving me so much help and support in the things I do (ie. DB Ownage Map Pack).

Messiah - For generally being a cool guy.

Rens2sea - For making tennis. :p

Xillerator - For doing these map reviews at Planet DB.

Hermit - Although I haven't seen him around in a while, he provided me with the base idea for my first map. Whenever I had any mapping problems, he always helped me out.

Jet2lag - For hosting the DB Map Depot, which I always enjoyed checking every now and then for new maps.

Panda - Come on, who seriously doesn't dig da panda?

Feep! - Another cool guy.

Deacan - For making me piss myself laughing on so many occasions (though this mostly happens in OzForums).

Zonk - Being a good clan leader, and a great guy (though I'll still say he sucks every now and then). :p

Yoyo - A sensible guy, who always seems to share similar sentiments to myself.

DavidM - OK, he drives me insane a lot of the time (what with the way he criticises so many good maps), but he DOES play a major role in the creation of DB.

Posted: 19-08-2003 00:13
by Cenotaph

Posted: 19-08-2003 00:14
by cY|riCo
and me of course \o/

Posted: 19-08-2003 00:16
by Cenotaph
gimme a cdkey :p

Posted: 19-08-2003 00:20
by cY|riCo
isnt my love enough?