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Shake or no shake?

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Post by DavidM »

zonk, why you wasting your time?
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Deacan Sharp
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Post by Deacan Sharp »

Omg , zonk swore, thats a fricken first,

who wants to see my view

In the end lets all keep in mind that deathball will soon be a spec of dust in the gaming world, hell its already a pebble, enjoy it while it lasts
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Post by vF_Zonk »

DavidM wrote: zonk, why you wasting your time?

i really don't know

there are a lot of ridiculously stupid people on this forum

see the last line of my previous post
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Post by Stulovesyou »

Surge wrote:

So please, explain to me again... why is the defense getting all these perks...

So apparently you believe an attacker doesn't have to earn a score.
It should just be a given.
You had the ball - you clicked a button.
Damn - why didn't you score?
Stupid game. Blame defenders and all there perks.


Goals must be earnt through this thing called 'skill'.

The us football example above:

The skill is passing to player.
You believe that the because the player has passed the ball, it should automatically be a catch for a score. Thats it. He passed - score.
Reality. Player will be covered by this thing called... defence. He has to earn the catch. He does this through... skill.
Reality. The passer will be under pressure. If he is hit while trying to pass... shock... he wasn't able to get a good pass off.


Stupid defenders with all there perks.

He got hit - because he wasn't open.
He got hit - because his team didn't block for him.
He wasn't open - he didn't make a good pass.

Obviously in your world of football. The passer should be immune to hits. He should be freely able to pass wherever he likes unhindered. This = stupid.

Who would watch such a mind numbingly boring game?

The quarterback is deemed a skillful player when he is able to make a great pass under pressure. Take away that pressure and he is just some hack throwing a ball. Boring.

You want to score over all these defenders with there perks. Get some fucking skills. Earn your damn shots.

Get open.
Get a team-mate to block for you.
Find an open team-mate and give them the ball.
Setup a shot with or without boost.

Stop being such a fucking waaaher and learn that in life there is this thing called 'balance'.
The game is not about you be able to shoot with imunity. It is about you trying to score against immense pressure. If you do so it is through skill.
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Post by Stulovesyou »

Damn I need to put deacan on ignore list here too?
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Post by Stulovesyou »

Originally posted by DigitalDJ




daskjd haijfahyspifs9fpavhfs psuhfssafsksljoasa

Simple as that really.
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Post by DavidM »

is it getting full?
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Post by vF_Zonk »

i don't think i can take this forum any more

every thread turns into something like

"This part of DB is crap"

"I disagree with you, thread creator, so i'm gonna flame you for 4 pages"

"DavidM is a stupid dickhead!"

If i look like a dickhead myself here, it's either cos some of the posts are just waaaaaay too annoying, or cos you people get pissed off (at people like me) way too easily

PS: Please don't flame me, that would just prove my point
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Post by Cirian »

Firstly, no, don't get rid of shake, it's your fault if you can't dodge attacks. Seriously, if you are playing in a game where shake is a score or not-score scenario, then you've missed the whole "strategy" part of the game -- I can't imagine this happening unless it's a 1 on 1 or you're being an idiot and refusing to pass. And in the former case, just bait them and pass into the goals. It's not tricky.

Additionally only time I agree with Xelent, who seems to be using this thread, along with Insane, to spam and flame anyone who dares to disagree, is when he says that you can't (or almost always can't) score against a keeper and a def if you're alone. However, in these cases, it's either a 1 vs 2 game, or you're hogging the ball.
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Post by Mayer.hun »

Critics are always good to make a game better, although it can cause a real heart ake in you when you listen to these...

Shake is really a MUST! It can prevent goals in last secs... like I flew with boost back to prevent a goal hanger from scoring... and in the last sec i could hammer him, and his shot was "lamed" or ruined... So it is really a must, and I don't agree with the fack of moving it... althought there could be an Option to remove the Earhquake feeling... but everything else should be Teh same...
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Deacan Sharp
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Post by Deacan Sharp »

Stulovesyou wrote: Damn I need to put deacan on ignore list here too?

Your so weak, fucking pansy, cry little boy, cry to mummy
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Post by theberkin8or »

ok well i am sure most any resonable person has stoped reading this post 2 pages ago but X shake is not the problem, take away the noise that lets the other team know you are shooting and shake will no longer be a problem, d will take more skill and O will take more than geting lucky or the D being stupid. This has come up b4 but the euros shoot it down (or those that didn't really read the arguements being made). but name me one sport where you know that the O is going to be shooting 1.2 seconds b4 he shoots and don't give me crap about doing a shake goal.... defenders were fooled by that for a short time (i know cuz i was fooling them with it) but now it is pretty much useless.

to all those that are defending how D is right now.... X is right about easy D is right now on my team everyone is being trained to be a defender... there used to be a time when a player could only be good @ one/max two positions becuase of the great skill and pratice needed to be good @ the different positions. That time is gone, O still takes some startigy but mostly just to figure out how to get around the pbox campers (most attempts have been by spaming whore moves which makes the game worse) but d is mostly just sit in the pbox camp and wait for the O to charge up then hit them after .5 seconds or so (i froget the figures) this makes the charge shoot very limited. You can score with volley but doesn't that limit gameplay to have only one decent way of scoring on O?? seems like it would to me. and volleying is still hard with pbox camping becuase there are so many ppl in the box and often one player is playing second keeper.
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Post by kaot »

hey yeah, take away the shake, I miss the old days where offense just scored at will and the only reason to even play D at all was because no one else would. While we're at it, bring back dribble, because passing is for n00bs. And that 100 or 200 u hammer radius mismatch, yeah, that too. If you can't score 20 goals a game without even looking at the monitor, what's the point of playing?
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Post by kaot »

also i agree with Berk, taking away the charge sound so only the keeper can hear it would help the O get a few more good shots off.
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Post by uberslacker »

kaot wrote: also i agree with Berk, taking away the charge sound so only the keeper can hear it would help the O get a few more good shots off.

i thought this was going to happen in 1.8... but yeah i was wrong