Penalty for Shooting Ball Out Of Play?

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Post by theberkin8or »

surge was in support of this idea so davidm will never consider it :x
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Post by The_One »

yeah but surge is on davidm's ignore list so he won't know whether he's agreed or not. ^^
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Post by theberkin8or »

i think davidm liez cuz he responds to surge's post sometimes
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Post by Diab »

even if they are blocked you can click to read there post, it just doesnt show up as normal.
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

Cmon DavidM, what do ya think?
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Post by theberkin8or »

davidm isn't be very responsive lattly, to busy for us dbers huh? dm
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Post by YoYo789 »

yeah, and for the price we pay, he should be here 24/7 goddamnit!
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Post by FrostyCoolSlug »

I play as an attacker, when the opposition attacks i never cross the half-way point into my base, in case my goalie gets it, i'm clear to run it in. However, i increasingly find that sitting on the center point is more effective than holding a point on the line :p

I think a 5second delay would be good, if nothing else, would allow players, goalies, etc to get back into a position, so they could either choose to attack or defend..
The problem is, this can be abused to slow gameplay down, especially if a team is winning and want to maintain a lead.

As another suggestion.. Create a border around the outside of the 'Field', have a 'Field' area, and a throw-in area.. When the ball gets thrown out, a random player on the other team (excluding keeper), gets an alert, then 3 second where they cant fire (Stop them shooting the ball accidently).. then another 2 seconds, to pass the ball. if the avaliable time expires, the ball is shot with low power in the direction the player is facing. Players wouldnt be allowed to exit the 'Field' and there would be something to stop the ball landing in the throw in zone. Players would be immediatly transported moved out the throw in area, back onto the field, once they release the ball.

Another suggestion: The higher the ball goes, the higher the gravity gets.. causing the ball to drop fairly quickly, without too much momentium..

From my point of view, no matter how you arrange it, it can be 'Abused' (except maybe the last one)..

Just my 2c