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Posted: 25-07-2003 18:23
by [-SoP-]LegolaS
sure, maybe we get a little cocky....but that cockiness is sarcasm

no, its not sarcasm, its just cockiness

Posted: 25-07-2003 18:25
by gnomeh
i love how u turn things around surge
you really need some reading comprehension skills. I said I don't care about what anyone wrote against us...mainly your surge. Check your pm now, kthx.

Posted: 25-07-2003 18:43
by Surge
ok, i'll check my PM, i'll see SBS|Gnomeh, and i'll press the little black X.

why? cause i dont really like your attitude. Yet another reason to further not accept V3. YOur aggressiveness when it comes to defending yourself. cant you just do it here. If your honestly going to prove me 100% wrong i want to see it right here, somewhere under this post. I want you to adress every topic i touched on with an equilly long retort.

I dont need no stinking PM. Sometimes being in the public eye sucks, but in this case, i think its necessary because even if you prove me wrong, the rest of the people will never know.

Re: Surge and everyone else that plays db...

Posted: 25-07-2003 18:51
by uberslacker
ven0m wrote: Stupid ass posts like this are the beginning of an end for everyone playing this game. I've seen it happen in a lot of other games and you're just doing it out of frustration..
There's no doubt about it... V3 act like bastards, but only when someone starts some shit, and it always comes down to - we beat your clan.. that being the true part of any arguement that anyone starts upsets people... if you don't like the fact that there's a better clan, then leave, get better, stfu? Do something better with your time.

uhhh... just cause your clan beat our clan doesn't make us hate you. its the attitude you bring to every game. with other teams like rush, if they KILL us, i'm mad, not at them, but more at our team, but we work things out and all is good. i don't get mad at them cause they are good winners. they don't rub it in our face that they scored 10, that they came back down 4, or whatever. this type of attitude just isn't necessary in the db community.

now i know you guys won't leave or whatever surge is trying to get davidm to do, but what you should try to see is that your presence is not a good one in the community. act respectful and you'll get respect. i don't think anyone respects someone just because they win.

ps: i know there are some people in v3 that are indeed respectable and good people, but when i say 'v3' in my posts i think you know who i'm talking about

Posted: 25-07-2003 18:55
by jack23
The only person making a move to remove people is -you- ... who's on the powertrip?
V3 has fun.. I even have fun when I play with you Surge, but shit like this = the end of db
stop wasting people's time with this bs and go train some noobs in db if you love it so much

Posted: 25-07-2003 18:58
by Xelent
Hoju wrote: V3 has no class, they score bug goals, they abuse cheap tactics, and they spam pointless idiotic phrases. These are the reasons that almost the entire NA community doesn't like them for. Just the other day my clanmate Puck finished a pug game (pickup) where a couple of V3 members score blatantly on 2 shootbugs, one of which the keeper made no attempt to stop because he thought they were going to be fair and give the ball back. Puck then told them that they had no class and said what pretty much everyone thought, and what happens? [V3]Xelent bans him from the channel.

Wooooohooooo, I knew this was a matter of time before RusH brings this into the forums just like I knew you would. Ok, seeing as how I was playing in this game, lets get it right. There were 2 bug goals by our team.
"where a couple of V3 members score blatantly on 2 shootbugs"
Sin did this. Once I think, not really important, but hes an idiot. The other bug goal was from a new guy Heretic, who kept playing after their man left because he doesnt know better. Yet youd still rather put it all on us, because its easy to.

And Puck isnt banned for speaking his mind. He is banned for making personal threats to basically everyone in the clan. I tried being a nice guy through all this, but when you push my buttons with shit like this, that goes away real real fast.

Posted: 25-07-2003 19:12
by Xelent
Also. In league matches and basically all scrims, unless you say something stupid to piss someone off, we are generally nice people. We give the ball back, we stop if someone dies, and yet it still seems like you want to say that we dont do these things. It almost makes me wonder why the group of us that do make an effort to be nice even try to anymore.

And ive seen a couple posts about some people not playing. Everybody that shows up for a match or scrim on one particular day will end up playing. We dont have a "starting line up", its whoever wants to play, and who works well together. Some people dont play so often, when they show up, they play. We WERE thinking about splitting into two teams, which is the reason for having so many members. But dont post shit about things you wouldnt know, you dont play for 6 different teams and monitor who plays each game.

Posted: 25-07-2003 19:16
by Psyche
Some simple facts to look at.

These facts have no bearing whatsoever on V3 winning their matches either, I could care less if they beat us, we always try to improve, and will play again if we had fun, ask NS, they've whipped our asses in 4 straight scrims, but it comes down to we had fun, so we'll be back to play again.

1 - V3's does have some players who have attitudes that are atrocious and some of their actions are uncalled for, and make the community a place that ppl don't enjoy anymore.

2 - They also have some decent players, with decent attitudes who are a pleasure to have in the community.

3 - RusH has turned down some players that are currently on V3 strictly because of their attitude. We can handle not having some top players, even if it means losing, but we cannot handle poor sportsmanship, and while I won't claim that tempers don't flair once in awhile between RusH and other clans, there is never an intentional outpouring of poor sportsmanship or hate towards anyone.

4 - I don't believe that V3 should be kicked out of the league. However Legolas idea about letting them just get default wins the rest of the way will probably come to fruition if the current bad attitudes on the clan continue.

Most ppl who know me in the DB Community know that I stay level-headed, don't rant about most things (however I have called out Surge before asking him to leave DB, scary thing is, I think even his attitude has improved over the last couple of months :))

I try to keep the peace, I encourage our players to shut their mouth whether we win or lose, and I strongly encourage nothing but respect for any other person in the DB community.

I strongly feel that if V3's current attitudes continue, some of their players "holier than thou" approach to the game, then no one in the NA community is going to play a match against them. I don't want that to happen myself, cause playing strong competition, makes us stronger competitors.

Well, that's about all I have to say on the matter, I do sincerely hope that V3 can tone down their attitudes, so the NA DB community can be full of love again.

Posted: 25-07-2003 19:22
by BagsLee
Clans like RusH, NS and SoP had there chance to pick up players like myself. But they decided we were either not good enough or had bad attitudes. Well I guess that back fired. Because now all these people who weren’t good enough to begin with are blowing you guys out. And V3 as a whole has nothing to do with that remark. That is me just talking my mind. I myself gave all 3 of the clans the opportunity to have me play for them. And to tell you the truth it feels good to dominate them in game.

-by Optimal on the first page of this thread

How dare you...Last time we played you guys won 6-5 with 30 seconds left. NOt just that but x got a goal from about 30-40 meters out when dev hit a lag spike. X didn't know dev was fucked with lag so it's not his fault i'm just saying, that's not a blow out. So don't go bringing NS into this fucking bullshit cause surge wants to have you guys banned or some gay. I have no problem with v3. I enjoy lots of the guys...FFS I'M ON DEEZ. So if you wanna talk about blowing people out that's fine, but don't bring in the names of clans who work hard to try and beat you, get close, and don't really cause any problems with you and your team. As far as us not picking you up, it's cause you weren't good still aren't.

Posted: 25-07-2003 19:32
by Larc
1) "i could care less about what any of you peopel wrote against us" = I dont care about anyone other than myslef
2) there IS such thing as a bad winner, if you had read any of this you'd realize its NOT because you win.
3) games are supposed to be fun. when i say fun i'm not saying Fun just for you. this world does not revolve around you and your friends. just once v3... show sportsmanship and respect.

Sportsmanship: Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing
respect: Willingness to show consideration or appreciation
gnomeh wrote: i didnt read anything, not one bit of anyone posts but all i have to say is i could care less about what any of you peopel wrote against us.
sure, maybe we get a little cocky....but that cockiness is sarcasm and anything we have said...we've backed up. Only thing is sin, who has stfu. He only posts when u post surge to say how ur a "dick ass wipe nubcake fag boy asshat".

Posted: 25-07-2003 19:33
by Scotteh
As far as us not picking you up, it's cause you weren't good still aren't.

OH SNAP :lol:

Posted: 25-07-2003 19:35
by RaGe*NL*
after i played v3, i didnt enjoined DB much anymore :spammer:

Posted: 25-07-2003 20:06
by BagsLee wtg. If one team can ruin the game for you, you di'n really like the game enough in the first place.

Posted: 25-07-2003 20:10
by Imaginos
Panzer wrote: I've got two words Imag.

phil and amanda.

Thats just those 2. BuF isn't any more "mature" than this. C'mon, I hang around the chat all day. I KNOW the immaturity level of BU.

Not quite able to make it a gated community, sure.. Every group has something wrong in it if you look deep enough. As for BuF, when I play with them, they are a good bunch. However, I can't speak for the IRC crowd. I'm in IRC out of necessity, otherwise, I'd be forums only..

Legolas: Oh, they have to at some point. Should they survive to become men, they wouldn't wan't to live in mommy's house all their lives.. I'd think that requires some adult-like behavior to get by? Or a life of crime.. hmm.

Posted: 25-07-2003 20:27
by Panzer
Ahh, playing with them... well, yeah, they're usually fair then. I'm not sure about the other stuff... but yeah, they're usually fair. :p