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Re: We're still here.

Posted: 26-01-2016 18:04
by amh
Good luck Vereos!

Re: We're still here.

Posted: 22-03-2016 16:47
by Cube
I suposse, that I should say: hi!
So... uhm... Hello!
I started Notproning about 2-3 weeks ago, and I`m on level 19 (Or I was, it depends on when do you read it.) I play when and where I can. So not much.
Well... It`s all? Hmm... It`s not much. But what more I can say?

Good luck, Notproners.

Re: We're still here.

Posted: 22-03-2016 18:04
by terror_tubbie
HEELLOOOO to everyone who is still around! :)

