1.9 Wishlist!

Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by kuran »

I'd really like to see Replays (when someone scores) and custom models for Deathball.

Also, how about adding some features from the game Speedball 2? Which I'm sure has been mentioned here.

Like 'warp holes' in the level, if you throw a ball through one such hole, it comes out through another warp.
How about someone yelling 'Ice cream, Ice cream!' as an ambient sound? :)

If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out this site which has information on Speedball 2.
Last edited by kuran on 23-08-2003 12:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cenotaph »

i'd like to see banners in maps reading "Cenotaph owns j00" :spammer:
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Post by Armagon »

Rofl, at that awesome "Ice cream!" idea. :p
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Post by beefsack »

hehe i like the 'icecream' in speedball 2
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Deacan Sharp
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Post by Deacan Sharp »

first off i want that ninja rope thing i said put in but secondly and most importantly i want this.

In an effort to make this game fucking l33t

i want team sidelines/dugins in each map, here team members/coaches etc can sit and watch and act as reserves.

so if a player goes withing the dugout area then a new player can come onto the field

i want a new character type as coach how has shitloads of orders he can give, - okay probably not a coach actually

instead how about a medic/waterboy who can run around on the field and heal players and make his skin that faggot angry kid one you know the one hey.

there we go
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Post by Mayer.hun »

Deacan: Teh idea with the player switch sounds good.. but why on earth do we need a coach :? Why is there teh spec if not for that \o/

Anyway... waterboy/medic was mentioned a long time ago... I don't like it specially... because everyone will just scream Medic, and will wait to get fixed on their asses :D
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Post by Hoju »

Here's my list:

1.) Try hardest to get rid of bugs

2.) gameplay tweaks (fix deflection, other issues)

3.) Improved bots or some kind of tutorial for newbies (would inrease the number of players, most seem to join a pub and get frustrated by the much higher skill and taunting of experienced players and end up quitting almost before they start)

4.) Make DB more of an original mod (HUD changes, new ball, new player models)

5.) Replay system

6.) single player DB
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Post by jo3fillingspace »

new hud
new player models
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Post by Rens2Sea »

New hud, scoreboard, speechvoicepacky thingy back AND working, maybe new models, replay(already comming :D)
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Oh, and an option to disable the anoying crowd... :confused:
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Post by RaGe|DB »

why are there no cheerleaders? :ban:
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Post by h3r3tic »

Yeah good idea.... cheerleaders \o/

Post by DaJero »

Rens2Sea wrote: New hud, scoreboard

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Post by Rens2Sea »

What about the voicepackspeech thingy? O_o
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Post by METAFrank »

maby get Epics player voice packs working right in some version?