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Posted: 10-11-2008 09:08
by fluffykitten
Yay, remembered p/w.

Hey Nab, Holy, Jolly, Rens etc. Just googled Deathball for a laugh and ended up here :) I haven't got a new job or got married, but I don't play many online games these days. DB was top fun for a while, best community since quake days, and I still sort of miss it.

Posted: 11-11-2008 00:25
by Axl
Lots of old names there :) all coming out of the woodwork :) o/

Posted: 15-01-2009 00:07
by JollyRulez
we need a db match now :P

Posted: 18-01-2009 17:47
by Wibble

Posted: 03-02-2009 14:44
by Metalliguane
Heya old buddies :o for those who remenber, after 4 years ;)

Cya around

- Metalliguane a.k.a Requiem / reQQy^-

edit : Bring back 1.4b ! :p

Anyway, nice to read u all, it remenbers me some really good times of our DB matchs and so on :)

I checked some old threads, from 2004 and so, that's was fun (I was a real nerd, jeez ;x)

Getting old now !

Posted: 06-02-2009 03:42
by Catalyst
Old :(

Posted: 16-02-2009 01:34
by Chrisfu
Sweet jesus, talk about a blast from the past.

Go on then, you've got me convinced. Let's get a game going and see what happens. I'll set up a few servers during the week with different DB versions, 1.4b is a definite.

Posted: 16-02-2009 01:35
by Chrisfu
Also, check out some of Froste's old Clanbase match reports, some comedy gold in there.

Posted: 15-03-2009 17:51
by hAcK.NL
Make with teh click. :rolleyes:

Posted: 16-03-2009 12:35
by Catalyst
i make box defend

Posted: 16-03-2009 19:55
by siLVer

good old frenchfag!!!!! :D

Posted: 16-03-2009 21:54
by Kak0
Watch what you say mate :D

Posted: 19-03-2009 20:18
by Messy

Posted: 20-03-2009 13:09
by Catalyst

Posted: 22-03-2009 01:01
by Coalan
get the need to reply in here, though I've no idea i actually no idea if I used this nick at said time :E
Do recognize a bunch of names however :X