All star game

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Post by makush »

You just shouldnt't take it so seriously, because allstar teams are always based on reputation, not skill.

I bet that no-one has seen ALL players playing, so one can't say that someone is better than everybody else. IIRC, Rivaldo was selected to the Champions League allstar team, although he was just a substitute during whole season. :-)

Secondly, "best player" is very subjective thing. People have different reasons to pick a player. E.g. some people think that the best player is not just most skillful but also fair and a teamplayer.

Thirdly, an allstar team is not neccesery the best team. With best players they still can have bad tactics, bad teamplay or their core players are not able to play in all matches.

Professional allstar matches are usually organized just for money and publicity. They have no competitional purpose, because of the facts stated above. However in non-pro DB, I think already the idea of having allstar match against Cy13 is bad, because in the worst case everyone will take it too seriously as a match of good and evil, which will end into a flamewar ;-)
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Post by TEZC_Robban »

whoa, nice points there mate :) completely agree \o/
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Post by DavidM »

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Post by R3L!K »

/me bows to the wise one.

No, not you Davidm :P
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Post by Imo »

Have 4 all-star teams representing the 4 divisions if you don't want a "evil vs good flame war" with the allstar team vs cy13.

Vote for the players within your own division (you have seen them playing then).

Have 'allstar' games with all 4 teams.
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Post by Still »

yeah :)
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Post by Chrisfu »

Fooking excellent idea Imo. Each divisions all star team plays vs. 13 in a series. The team who pwns 13 by the biggest margin gets some Maryland Cookies (to share, we're on a tight budget). Deal?

For example, every team admin could suggest their best player in every position (keep it to 1 keeper, 1 defender and 1 attacker for simplicitys sake) and then it goes to public vote.

This could be a job for the new league council.
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Post by Chrisfu »

On that note, DEUS played TEZC Dark a couple of nights ago for 40 mins on November. Best match i've played in a while. 100% fun with no BS.
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Post by TEZC_Robban »

/me hugs chrisfu \o/
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Post by R3L!K »

Thats why they beat TEZC-L so easily!

(oh and i was in goal too, but nvm that eh :P)
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Post by DavidM »

ok, we'll do it that way
and only the top 3 of each team will be put in the poll.....that way you cannot choose 5 tezc-d players again :P

the league admins from all EU leagues will be contacted by chrisfu and nero
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Post by R3L!K »


teh cowards! ;)
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Post by DavidM »

i dunno why it happened, but look at the points in the ranking, cy13 has almost twice the points of tezc-d
so it would rather be
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Post by Requiem »

was yesterday chris :lol: \o/
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Post by R3L!K »

Acutally I don't think the league gives a realistic view of team' skill levels.

Not because of lame tactics etc etc, just because I think there have been some freak results and some bizarre mid-season changes. Of course I would say that :)