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Post by Maegrim »

why are you so negative about surge?
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Post by DavidM »

it just sums up, eh?
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Post by gnomeh »

Afflictor wrote: NA's as usual ... most of u guys dont even know they have a brain to get use to ... pretty annoying :x


lets not stereotype na, kthxs
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Post by Zanboo »

"maybe surge just likes men and his boyfriend has his dick up surges ass and it wont come out. thats why he is so cranky lately
Im from NA and it sucks 99% the ppl in my area only play CS <==GAY
i think surge is mexican (mexicans fix my roof...)
y is surge is always so negative?


Live while you Can
Killing_U-Teh Polish Killa"


Ok, that was good, I guess, right up until the point where it says "Killing_U-Teh Polish Killa". I don't think a Polack has any right to make fun of any-fucking-body.
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Post by Jeffro »

Afflictor wrote: NA's as usual ... most of u guys dont even know they have a brain to get use to ... pretty annoying :x

Now let's not use Surge as the NA poster boy please. Some of us do think rationally.
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Post by Mrs.Shoot »


thats an cool idea. I like playing Deathball, and I think I'm not bad, but with volleys or other I can't do :-(
So I search someone who can tell me in german, how to play better! My english isn't the best, so

hope that someone is contacting me! Thanks!


PS: ICQ: 110887171
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Post by drifter »

ooooh, you intrigue meh Chrisfu… pld you folks who set it up and participate, db needs friends \o/

Sounds like a great idea to me, I was told about #dba.db at the weekend… (missed the forum posts) :/

I will be milling about the said irc channel. Apparenly I play in goal.

teh drifter.

o// \o/ \\o
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Post by 1234SamY »

Surge - one question. Does this mean all academies, schools and everywhere people take lessons are a waste of time? Because if it is, then I'm gonna ask the government for a refund for wasting my tax money on useless training. Dude you need to be big enough to accept when your wrong, otherwise you end up looking stupid.. oops too late.

Chrisfu and all the trainers - spectacular idea, and great of you to put the time and effort into the academy :) I'm sure Jrs already offered, but feel free to use our servers as training ground. I look forward to playing the sanitized graduates.
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Post by CurvE »

Looking through the past posts throught the forum from surge...its just like he has to dissagree with them reguardless of what the subject actually is...

For me: DBA rocks :) I noticed some people with the tag on then... Nice lads ^^
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Post by theberkin8or »

surge.... you do yourself a great diserveses every time you say shit likes this, you have some good ideas sometimes and you are right about somethings BUT you fuck yourself over every time you say shit like this nobody is every going to listen to you when you keep on doing this shit. you are absolutly incorrect about this one... if you don't think n00bs are already copying the better players then you are blind, it is not the n00bs but the experienced players that tend to bring new stuff to the game i could name some examples but i don't think i really need to do that. so surge if you don't have something intelgent just walk away from the keyboard.

as for the topic... i like the idea and it would have been great in 1.4b or so but now i feel the gameplay is a bit too flawed for this to work very well maybe if davidm can bring back the gameplay in db to something like the soccer/hockey offshoot that it was supposed to be this will work but right now this isn't enough to save the game and so it seems pointless to bring ppl into a dying game. but go for it guys, i wish you the best of luck

btw there are stupid ppl on both sides of the ocean, that is life....though NA might have a bit of a distavatge we have Bush :p
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Post by Chrisfu »

Don't worry, we have Bush's ass-monkey Blair.
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Post by Fruitcake »

can me join? acadamy sounds goood :)

:lol: :spammer: :ban:
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Post by fs|Pele »

fruiteh can join ? then there is need for a pele ? O.o

no ?.....k....
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Post by Fruitcake »


:lol: :spammer: :ban:
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Post by speedy »

surge you're gay full stop.
now stfu before you write an essay.