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Posted: 20-12-2006 02:10
by beefsack
The Neverhood

Posted: 20-12-2006 02:10
by beefsack
Heres an easy one :o

Posted: 20-12-2006 02:55
by The_One
Jazz Jackrabbit.

Posted: 20-12-2006 03:00
by The_One
I soooo wish I never sold this:

Posted: 20-12-2006 03:30
by Adversary
omg that game was the best !!!! ... no way i was gonna sell mine :P ... Panza Dragoon Saga *cough cough* Panzer *cough* ;)

how much did u sell your's for The_One ???

Posted: 20-12-2006 03:35
by Adversary
Only cus this is another one of my other all time favourites games to come out of a sega console:

Posted: 20-12-2006 03:53
by The_One
Adversary wrote: omg that game was the best !!!! ... no way i was gonna sell mine :P ... Panza Dragoon Saga

how much did u sell your's for The_One ???
Wrong. It's Panzer Dragoon Saga. :p

I sold it for less than I'd care to admit. One of those things I'll always regret. >.<

Posted: 20-12-2006 06:04
by Adversary
hah gg typing sorry :P ... ahh cmon.... was it less than £100 ?

Posted: 20-12-2006 11:00
by `Ghost`
Streets of Rage II

Posted: 20-12-2006 11:13
by `Ghost`

Loved these type of games by the same company <3 Still have them :) Should be ashamed of yourself The_One ! :p

Posted: 20-12-2006 11:27
by Shady
.........WTF is all this, i have absolutely NO idea

Posted: 20-12-2006 11:51
by `Ghost`
Probably before your time Shady LOL Nah probably too young around then o;

Posted: 20-12-2006 12:30
by Getherer
This is Simon The Sorcerer

Posted: 20-12-2006 12:33
by Getherer
So now me... It could be easy, and also difficult : P

@Edit: Lets give a bit newest games, cuz theres playing only 3 or 4 people ;p

Posted: 20-12-2006 13:00
by beefsack
awow, hint?