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Posted: 12-09-2006 12:28
by BunnyS
Yeah well priior over there is a


and I am just a tea drinking person apparently ^^

tea <3

Posted: 12-09-2006 13:15
by priior
notice how tea is made up of 3 letters.. (trinity?) and the first letter is a cross!!!

BunnyS most obviously belongs to the illuminati archrivals!! the catholic church!

using this thread to deface the powers that work inthe shadows!! (and canadians.)

YOU are being WATCHED.

Posted: 12-09-2006 13:42
by The_One
Who's watching the watchers?

Posted: 12-09-2006 16:02
by BunnyS
Bush ... he watches ALL :o

Posted: 13-09-2006 16:56
by kewangji
I was about to post a post with no relevance (haha, The_One, you can't concentrate!)

jyeaf c iuwgrf ueue< afwbfa asuua (NOO, I am speaking in tounges!)
köadofg uw hebf dIWRydasfgkilROywAsherEKrihga

Posted: 13-09-2006 17:22
by BunnyS
Someone put jumanji back in the rubber room o/


secret bacon message 724

Posted: 13-09-2006 17:47
by kewangji
/me continues speaking inn tongues! (btwbunnysdidyouseemysecretmessageb4?)

jrycqeve fvc2 42iub ewdjfl sfkb dkbf lökfv löeöflm s a dkb vu eibf wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Posted: 23-09-2006 23:22
by BunnyS
You lose