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Posted: 26-08-2006 17:08
by Adversary
well sorry... I missed this video thread somehow... :p

just seems like the a good idea esp. with some work already done... u need more coders don't we know, surely its high priority to help people learn the game... shame

Hmm, how about a practice mode server... then if someone wanted to help a new player they could ...

Bah... give up then ;)

Posted: 26-08-2006 17:13
by DavidM
forget about these special noob help servers ;)
it aint helping it a bit. the game itself requires the most team play of all games at all most likely. thats what makes it special and thats what causes the pub problems...because humans are naturally very egoistic. if you play with women, you will notice they pass a lot more and rely a lot more on each other. but men are just primitive apes...still :/

Posted: 26-08-2006 18:38
by Adversary
nah... i'm sure a lot of men would give u a kick for saying they don't know how to be in a team... its a bit of a sweeping statement...

I accept that the game requires a lot of teamwork... but picking up the basics of how to play the game isn't as easy as playing in a team for most people

especially when they're not clearly laid out for all to see... you need to reduce the learning curve instead letting it scare people away...

ps. i like the way suggest women aren't human ;)

Posted: 26-08-2006 19:17
by DavidM
The problem is that 1 player can ruin a whole team, so you forget about the team players and just hate the ego one.

Posted: 26-08-2006 20:40
by Adversary
yeah, thats true... its just a problem of the game like u say...

but, 1 noob can also ruin a team

and its probably going to be easier to get a pass from the ego i suppose :\ ... maybe ;)

all games have their problems... at least theres no teamkilling for vehicles... ;)

btw. do you have a list of planned changes for v3 ?

Posted: 27-08-2006 13:07
by T3rm1n4T0r
DavidM wrote: Stop the swear words, ignorant and pubescent acting on my forum please.
Criticism is wanted and fine, but this style isn't.
Thanks for your understanding.

This is a joke, isn't it? Everyone knows that you are the most ignorant and arrogant person here. So don't tell other people to behave different.

Posted: 28-08-2006 16:15
by Imaginos
T3rm1n4T0r wrote: This is a joke, isn't it? Everyone knows that you are the most ignorant and arrogant person here. So don't tell other people to behave different.

His opinion is hardly ignorant. VO was part of the game for a long time and on the pubs it became something crude that I would have to agree ran against what Deathball was supposed to be about - teamwork, disciplined position play, passing..
VO was all about mobbing and hogging the ball. It was like a mosh pit with people not caring what whas going on and hitting at random until someone manages a breakaway self-set for an easy score. Noone was playing defense most of the time! Everyone just chased the ball like spastic puppies. That is NOT what Deathball is supposed to be. And when I polled various VO enthusiasts about the appeal of this styple of play, the most common answer: fast action.

So we have David's vision of Deathball - an elegant game of ball control. And then there's the high energy VO folks that just want to hit the ball a lot and be 'in the game' vs playing as slow reg match. Can both be happy?

As far as compromise goes, Deathball will continue to be Deathball. The conflict here isn't in the game itself, it's in what kind of game people want. I think removing VO is a little extreme but watching it turn matches into something that makes Deathball look like less of a sport over the years might be a good thing. Personally, I would have opted to keep the option since I like a lot of in-the-box choices without having to add muts and sub-mods.

So Term, if you're for or against the changes, just say your peace and support your logic with reasons, not name-calling. Ok?

Posted: 28-08-2006 17:25
by priior
term1, id like to think i'm the most arrogant person here.. pls.. dont take away from what i'm trying to achieve here!

imaginos, u need to fix the http's of ur sig

Posted: 28-08-2006 23:35
by Ker]v[et
a little present for termi, had that with 8 up to 12 players for 8 Matches on thc server in a row on sunday evening/night - they all enjoyed no-vo. Also bout 3 new players that had fun that day :p

it was almost like in the old days :devil:

Posted: 28-08-2006 23:43
by T3rm1n4T0r
Well Kerm, you need to read what I really say and not what you think I say. No vo is fine for maps like November and Cube. But when you play no vo on SmallCube it is really annoying and less fun. And nearly everyon agrees.
The problem is, that the THC65 server is the only one with proper settings where you can play on. That's why all people play there. If there is another server with vo and 6 or 8 slots most players would prefer that one.

The other problem is that Desaster doesn't get it. He isn't playing often. Atm there are 10 people playing the map DuelCube. This is fucking ridiculous. I joined the server and asked if they want to switch to a big map but none of them wanted to play them.

Posted: 29-08-2006 02:03
by The_One
I specced a game of DuelCube with more than two players before. /shudders

Posted: 29-08-2006 05:01
by [-SoP-]ATB
Ker]v[et wrote: Fucking around? Scoring not VO? I see no difference in volleying on an empty goal or shoting at it.
How about Keep against shot's
How about Defend & Mark players (i know def on pub? LoL)
How about with vo its no proper match either
If that hand full of VO lovers leave, who cares :(
90% of the pub'lers playing attack all over the time (if they dont have to keep for the moment) thanks to scube spamming and VO

Just go play, try to avoid normal goals and do VO'ones yourself. wahts the problem? cant stand to lose against regular goals? eh?


i love how you automaticly assume people will just come play after this little update. its lost more than its gained. how bout you get off your knees. still cant believe you guys got awarded for this game. its terrible. especially now.

Posted: 29-08-2006 05:02
by [-SoP-]ATB
copied the wrong quote...

Posted: 29-08-2006 07:14
by Ker]v[et
T3rm1n4T0r wrote: Hellooooooooooooooooooooo? Switch back to VOLLEY ONLY!!!

Thats was your point. Now why do that if there can be matches with more players that are not playd on scube. And 8 Games in a row seems like ppl enjoy it as the server is set now.
Originally posted by T3rm1n4T0r

In addition most of the people who were playing before on the server do not play anymore there. There are only some fuckers left.

Thanks. Another point where i wanted to show you that its wrong. (screene)

Moep, its not about the version. Its about not having only one VO Public server (here in europe) where every1 is playing anymore.

I wanted to proove that its better to have a ("famous" - i say that because almost every pub game starts there and not on the "offical" servers) non VO Public Server. You lucky NA's have plenty of them i bet :)

edit: i know that should be the 2.4h thread, but the "i" thread aint far away.. so :D

Posted: 29-08-2006 21:50
by Inphidel
we actually don't really have any pubs lol. only games we get to play are pickup games in #db24

unfortunately the promoting to spread the word of deathball in the united states for the past year or so has been pretty much non-existant.

hopefully we can get some promoting going once we know db version is going to be current for more then a few weeks.

davidm? :>