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Posted: 02-07-2006 04:03
by meep98324

Posted: 03-07-2006 14:02
by Shenmue
So it's not a real level? Is it even worth looking for?

Posted: 03-07-2006 14:22
by meep98324
nope :)

Posted: 08-12-2006 10:53
by RazieL

I found NUthing!

Yeah, that was lame, I know... I'm just bored =)

Posted: 02-01-2007 12:17
by Ace cCc
you made my heart beat faster... for one second...

Posted: 24-11-2007 18:16
by creamshake
So, no level Nu?

Posted: 31-01-2008 14:12
by Kisa
Nu has never been a level ...

Posted: 31-01-2008 18:00
by .:alamar:.
even though it was not me who wrote that moral, all i can say is:

"...brute force > * "

Posted: 01-02-2008 00:03
by SpudY2K
Are you sure it was nu, there are a number of "bonus" pages at the end.

Posted: 01-02-2008 00:12
by .:alamar:.
Spud, were you able to "get on" with it? ,))

you should join #notpron as well, many freaky ppl from finnland etc..

Posted: 01-02-2008 00:31
by SpudY2K
I don't think any of them go anywhere, they're just like the test page.

Posted: 08-02-2008 19:39
by SpudY2K
Odd, I was screwing around on the end pages and I've found something which looks like a level nu. Part of me wants to say that it's just another joke page and that I should quit while I'm ahead, but I can't resist the temptation of a new level. If it's okay to do so here's my screenshot:

Posted: 08-02-2008 20:52
by .:alamar:.
damn, how did you get there?!

Posted: 08-02-2008 23:46
by SpudY2K
I was just putting in random things at the end I guess hoping I'd find something. I put a word slightly relevent to where I was into the address bar and this came up. I haven't made any progress yet, I'm suspecting that it may just be a dead end to mock me but the source kind of suggests otherwise.

Posted: 09-02-2008 00:01
by SnowMen
I'd make a suggestion, but you wouldn't listen.
No one ever does.