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Posted: 29-04-2005 04:07
by Jay2k1

Posted: 29-04-2005 22:22
by Rens2Sea
Messy wrote: Try the album cover of Metallica's Load (shitty album).

shut up, you suck

Posted: 30-04-2005 07:59
by fastpitchgirl501
no offense but.......yall have a lil bit 2 much time on ur hands lol


Posted: 30-04-2005 09:25
by NoSexualFreak
lucky to be honest. Ive got the most compact and stressfull time of my life at the moment; i blame g.c.s.e's :( and the girlfriend and ex's.

i want a camera that can do that, you must send me yours :'(

Posted: 30-04-2005 18:33
by Messy
I'm sure an unworldly 13-year old (you're not very old mentally, that's for sure :p) can perfectly estimate how his pseudo-misery compares to that of others.

Posted: 01-05-2005 10:36
by -plær-
haha, gcse's.
enjoy the easy ride while it lasts. It only gets harder :p

Posted: 01-05-2005 12:52
by [GR]Kermit

Posted: 01-05-2005 14:50
by `Ghost`
rofl \o/

Posted: 23-07-2006 16:50
by Ace cCc
just another stupid picture of water

but i love the backgorund

(restarting old topic \o/)

Posted: 23-07-2006 20:30
by Isil
Not really a water photo, I know I know. Piece of glass lying on the ground in front of a robbed store =)


David, Messy mentioned something about you buying an SLR : o What kind?

Posted: 23-07-2006 20:35
by Messy
He already has it tbh.

Oh and, I always liked your glass picture <3

ps: gg for bumping this thread :)
These fora need a photo-thread tbh.. I know for a fact there are some very good photographers among us ;)

(no names tbh..)

Posted: 23-07-2006 21:56
by DavidM
im gonna post some new pics in my photography section soon. have a new pwnage SLR cam <3 <3 <3

the water pics always tend to look the same :P
to do something very special, you need a better macro modus, lots of luck and a very good scene (not just default shower water etc)...
but everything has been done already...if you look through (or was it com?)
there is a section just for water
i'll post the link <3

Posted: 23-07-2006 22:00
by DavidM
here you go:

and it has a subgroup for water-drips with 2100 pics :P

Posted: 23-07-2006 22:31
by Messy

<3 tbh

A lot of them are a bit samey I suppose, but some are also nice :)

Posted: 23-07-2006 22:32
by slimshady
<3 the website!