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Posted: 29-08-2004 17:41
by RaGe|DB
FireCell wrote: Mmm i guess on one plays tennis or any other sport in real life? Because you might understand what happens when you put spin on a ball if you did :D

i play football you meanie!

Posted: 29-08-2004 21:23
by Messy
Wouldn't this need an actual round karma-ball to be implemented? :\
To make actual ball movements like this possible.

You'd also have to be able to see the way it's spinning tbh :o

Then again, it *should* be possible, seeing as a skin could be created with a pattern for example (stripes along an axis?), and Carball actually uses a karma ball :) (correct me if I'm wrong o_O)

Posted: 29-08-2004 22:17
by priior
i play pingpong.. and ive never seen the ball do what morningstar drew :)

no spin will be able to break gravity.. wouldnt it continue going up?

a backspin ball.. travels slower and bounces back when it hits the ground.

topspin ball travels faster, falls sooner, and leaps forward and low when it hits the floor.

Posted: 29-08-2004 22:27
by Sixty
Idd, topspin and backspin would be the next best thing to the quite impossible vertical banana.

I like it :)

Posted: 30-08-2004 04:13
by Alars
getting back to the controls - i use and intellimouse explorer 3.0 <3 and i use the thumb buttons for curve - big for left and small for right - works fine and its not awkward.

now correct me it im wrong - but most gamers use either my mouse or a MX500, which both have 2 thumb buttons.

wheel + thumb buttons = 4 way curve?

Posted: 30-08-2004 04:16
by DavidM
this stuff is by far not standard yet.
I claim a wheel IS

Posted: 30-08-2004 04:20
by priior
i use a regular logitech optical... one thumb button :)

but does it matter where the defautl control is? everybody changes those anyways.

Posted: 30-08-2004 04:22
by DavidM
i have to make sure, features we add are good controllable. its gotta be a mouse thing since it sux to release walk buttons for something else

Posted: 30-08-2004 05:59
by Esorcismo
I suppose in baseball terms an up banana (top spin) would be like a breaking ball and a down banana would be like a rising fast ball? gg... I wish MS would just add tilt to the 3.0 without fucking up the wheel design, that would be perfect...

As for the comment about the IntelliMouse Optical having less accuracy than the explorer, that's actually not true. The WHEEL MOUSE optical is 1/4 the accuracy of the IMO and IME mice... but yeah, don't see how a downward banana would work, but for an over the top pass an up banana could be interesting...

Posted: 30-08-2004 06:03
by DavidM
well to me downward banana makes sense, but upward doesnt

the ball cannot bend upwards, really...
you would never see this in RL

Posted: 30-08-2004 06:23
by Inphidel
a ball can move up and down, it all hasta do with air effects the ball.. like a ping pong would have more curve do to air friction up and down if it had dimples like a golf ball., one reason golfballs.

its possible. but i think up and down shots might over complicate the game for keepers. as much as i like some variety. i like less new players on public servers playing keeper cuz they have a chance to save the ball :)

Posted: 30-08-2004 10:34
by speedy
DavidM wrote: well to me downward banana makes sense, but upward doesnt

the ball cannot bend upwards, really...
you would never see this in RL
ok. for the upward banana make the bounce a bit higher and slower than a normal one

Posted: 30-08-2004 13:28
by R3L!K
ooh ms paint is fun!


Posted: 30-08-2004 13:41
by fro
nice drawings and idealogy, but i personally cannot see this working, part of the game is being able to predict and read the path of the ball, changing something like that would screw many things over.

taking reliks drawings as an example, passing around (possibly even via the wall OMG GGBB) the middle man would be the most viable option

Posted: 30-08-2004 15:14
by Fooman
How about we quit fucking with things that aren't broke.