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Posted: 06-05-2006 21:30
by Ange
me :)

Posted: 08-06-2006 00:03
by filipa_lpg
hmm, no one has new pics i see, more than a month since the last one...

Posted: 08-06-2006 11:38
by BunnyS
Well this is the most reccent one of me making a cup of tea :)


Posted: 08-06-2006 12:42
by elvisyo
A nude pic of bunny! :D

Posted: 08-06-2006 12:44
by anand
:lol: nothing but a ribbon.......

Posted: 08-06-2006 17:52
by BunnyS

Posted: 08-06-2006 17:55
by frkyjenn
I'm in an odd mood.. so I thought I'd post a new picture of me.

Posted: 08-06-2006 19:09
by Strubbeli
well..i had no friendly one, so i took the mos evil one i found

(actually, that's how i look at the moment (stuck on kappa)) :D

edit: these brace will come out on 7.7. *happyme*

Posted: 19-06-2006 07:08
by MBolus
Okay, I'm not really here in notpronworld, because I'm busy moving to a new home. But in the meantime, I figured I at least owe you a picture. This one is from a club in NYC. Maybe later I can send one in the new home, with less threads.

Posted: 19-06-2006 07:37
by snackbar
It's ssshhhmobolus. Hey you.
Is that you wearing a lavendar aromatherapy eye mask?

Posted: 19-06-2006 07:59
by anand
no he was trying to sleep....when he got urgent call to perform..:D

Posted: 19-06-2006 11:15
by froggy
"playing" my bass :)

Posted: 20-06-2006 01:50
by MBolus
snackbar wrote: It's ssshhhmobolus. Hey you.
Is that you wearing a lavendar aromatherapy eye mask?
Hey, you already forgot how to spell, now that one of your vvcf's has been tied up for a bit?

But you're right -- the whole thing was aromatherapy.
anand wrote: no he was trying to sleep....when he got urgent call to perform..
Yes, that does happen from time to time.

Posted: 04-07-2006 14:52
by nigella
I'll take a photo and post it here just after I finish notprOn. I bet I will look different... Wiser... Who knows. But deffinitely much older...

Posted: 04-07-2006 14:53
by Kisa
However, you are beautiful :)