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Posted: 28-12-2003 04:37
by Requiem``
btw, choose colors would be cool, each clan could take 1 or 2 colors, registered on dbl, which would be the "team- design", much leet than blue & red teams :p

i mean, skins with a main and a secondary color, all menbers of a team should have home/away jersey maybe, to avoid blues vs blues or something like that

dunno if it's possible, but it would be great

Posted: 28-12-2003 10:13
by RaGe|DB
making different kinds of clothing gives a player character which gives the game more character, but like i said : different clothing, different faces indeed (maybe face expressions, like fifa in replay, if he scores you can see him be happy and jump with his m8ys lol)

OMG when i was typing i had a good idea but i forgot it /o\
ill remember later lol [edit]

Posted: 28-12-2003 10:24
by DaJero
Please just be patient and wait for 2.0, we've planned something and we're not going to change it now anyway ;) Just be asured that you WILL like it

Posted: 28-12-2003 10:32
by RaGe|DB
oooh, Davids Mother models?

Posted: 28-12-2003 11:45
by Mayer.hun
oh... Naked DavidM models? \o/

Posted: 28-12-2003 11:50
by [GR]Kermit
Mayer.hun wrote: oh... Naked DavidM models? \o/
/me quits Deathball

Posted: 28-12-2003 13:39
by Onge
I'm quite happy with my Archlite skin...

Posted: 28-12-2003 13:40
by Lysdexic Mokney
i like my fat (but hot) bird skin, but anyway, default models are greater than all

Posted: 28-12-2003 13:54
by Requiem``
2COOL4-U wrote: Please just be patient and wait for 2.0, we've planned something and we're not going to change it now anyway ;) Just be asured that you WILL like it

u should give us at least 1 shot, just to wait and if u don't wanna see many kind of weird ideas ;) \o/

Posted: 28-12-2003 14:27
by Mayer.hun
Yeah! give us shots! We are the community! And if we don't like them... we can tell this now, and it can be fixed for 2.0 ;)

Cmoooon! DavidM isn't here ;) Doit m8! :D show us the picts! :D

Posted: 28-12-2003 14:38
by Armagon
They aren't done yet (or so I've been informed).

Posted: 28-12-2003 16:13
by Fizzy
you can play as a giant creatue I can only describe as a monster turkey, with a naked green dude on top, he has horns and a fiery tail. Turning db into a sort of monster horseback sport. Players who choose the monster will be able to run sideways up walls, eg wall run in the matrix mod. But they're not very fast.

There is also a guy with rocket boots who can fly straight up and over everyone. There is a boot bug though and every so often he plummits to his death, but DavidM has said its epics fault and they promise to fix it buy 2020.

There is a guy riding a dolphin, the dolphin allows him to teleport randomly around the pitch using the radar. He can also hit the ball with his tail and do backflips and sing the scandanavian national anthem.

Lastly there is a davidM model you may have seen shots of before, Players who choose the davidM model will instantly be banned from any server I have admin on

oh and a PIRATE SHIP!

Incase anyone was wondering, this is entirely true.

Posted: 28-12-2003 16:38
by Mayer.hun

Posted: 28-12-2003 17:40
by Messy
haha :D fizzy pwnz \o/

And uhm..scandanavia is not a nation.

Posted: 28-12-2003 17:44
by RaGe|DB
Fizzy wrote: you can play as a giant creatue I can only describe as a monster turkey, with a naked green dude on top, he has horns and a fiery tail. Turning db into a sort of monster horseback sport. Players who choose the monster will be able to run sideways up walls, eg wall run in the matrix mod. But they're not very fast.

There is also a guy with rocket boots who can fly straight up and over everyone. There is a boot bug though and every so often he plummits to his death, but DavidM has said its epics fault and they promise to fix it buy 2020.

There is a guy riding a dolphin, the dolphin allows him to teleport randomly around the pitch using the radar. He can also hit the ball with his tail and do backflips and sing the scandanavian national anthem.

Lastly there is a davidM model you may have seen shots of before, Players who choose the davidM model will instantly be banned from any server I have admin on

oh and a PIRATE SHIP!

Incase anyone was wondering, this is entirely true.


/me volonteers to be the pirate ship

/me takes a shot at fizzy's dolphin