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Posted: 26-12-2003 18:51
by Larry_Bird
oh , so it means more than 2 weeks away:D \o/

Posted: 26-12-2003 19:08
by Armagon
The more time they spend working on it, the better it will be. At latest it will be sometime at the end of February, as that is when phase 3 submissions for the MSU contest ends.

Posted: 26-12-2003 19:35
by PhatMal
pick me as beta tester ;)

Posted: 26-12-2003 20:24
by DavidM
armagon = smartey man

Posted: 26-12-2003 20:58
by Messy
kthxduh. <3 arma.

It was kind of obvious tho :rolleyes:

Posted: 26-12-2003 21:02
by Armagon
Some people don't keep track of when the MSU contest submission phases end.

Posted: 26-12-2003 21:17
by Messy
I had oh so coincidentally read it \o/
And I'm sure others have too x_X

Who cares anyway :p

Posted: 26-12-2003 22:31
by RaGe|DB
Armagon wrote: The more time they spend working on it, the better it will be. At latest it will be sometime at the end of February, as that is when phase 3 submissions for the MSU contest ends.

Posted: 26-12-2003 22:44
by Messy
6 new posts on this forum by rage.

2 just quotes saying only stuff that has been stated before (like the previous one)

the other 4, a self-made thread, filled with only his four posts called the postcount++ thread or something -.-

dude O_o :ban:

Posted: 26-12-2003 23:06
by RaGe|DB
LOL what u think u do? gg messy,

Posted: 27-12-2003 00:27
by Messy
What do I do? I spend an extraordinary amount of free time spamming just one forum (whilst others spend it on different forums, or doing sports, spamming irc, playing just that one more pickup game and/or sleeping), where I post with a 20 to 40% chance of going off-topic on a forum where every1 seems to be a 13-year old spammer doing the same (a lot more often way more extremely than I do..altho perhaps not as often).

What I do not do?
- Go off-topic on a respectable thread
- Post doubleposts for nothing (use edit)
- Make posts with no point
- Start other ppl's spamming sprees
- Make useless threads and spam it full of my own posts trying to get more postcount.

Am I a spammer? Perhaps.
Do I post reasonably and constructive? At least 50% of the time yes.
Do I post a lot? Certainly...I hate sleep and this is what I do to make the nights just a bit less boring
Am I the only one? Definitely not.
Am I offensive? Never.
Do I have a life? Yes, I have lots of friends, I have a lovely girlfriend and I'm on the (debatable) highest level of education available in Holland and I spend at least an hour a day playing my bass guitar.

So bite me ragey ;p

oh yeah: <3 rage \o/ :devil: :ban:

Posted: 27-12-2003 08:34
by beefsack
closed doors are good doors

suprise us with a great release, i dont wanna know every detail before its in my hands

Posted: 27-12-2003 13:40
by Messy
That's true :)

**Thinks of MGS2 after it had been so majorly hyped**

Awww that game sucked :( biggest dissapointment in my life..I thought of that game everyday since i'd heard of it 2 years before the release :X

Damn you rayden -.-

Altho...I'm soooo curious ^___^ ^^;

Posted: 27-12-2003 13:56
by Sixty
Moo im highest level of education in Holland too \o/

edit: Messy wins.

Posted: 27-12-2003 17:22
by RaGe|DB
Messy wrote: What do I do? I spend an extraordinary amount of free time spamming just one forum (whilst others spend it on different forums, or doing sports, spamming irc, playing just that one more pickup game and/or sleeping), where I post with a 20 to 40% chance of going off-topic on a forum where every1 seems to be a 13-year old spammer doing the same (a lot more often way more extremely than I do..altho perhaps not as often).

What I do not do?
- Go off-topic on a respectable thread
- Post doubleposts for nothing (use edit)
- Make posts with no point
- Start other ppl's spamming sprees
- Make useless threads and spam it full of my own posts trying to get more postcount.

Am I a spammer? Perhaps.
Do I post reasonably and constructive? At least 50% of the time yes.
Do I post a lot? Certainly...I hate sleep and this is what I do to make the nights just a bit less boring
Am I the only one? Definitely not.
Am I offensive? Never.
Do I have a life? Yes, I have lots of friends, I have a lovely girlfriend and I'm on the (debatable) highest level of education available in Holland and I spend at least an hour a day playing my bass guitar.

So bite me ragey ;p

oh yeah: <3 rage \o/ :devil: :ban:

OH YEA??? OH YEA??? ??? ....oh :(
well im in havo 5
i normally do not spam (i think) atleast not in a newbie's thread who asks for a clan (unlike some)
i find that disrespecting for the newbie and it could scare him away ( we need newbies duh)

like u said : Do I post reasonably and constructive? At least 50% of the time yes.
, well i do it atleast 70-80 % and im sure about that! let me spam for 1 night, it was christmas ffs, i was just testing ya guys xmas spirit, LOVE ME <3

[edit]: <3 Messy,. Rens