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Posted: 20-10-2003 21:35
by Messy
lol happzy birthday cY

ps: I think i was in there too...dunno, add my name in the list just to be sure =D

Posted: 20-10-2003 22:21
by cY|riCo
\o/ you were? \o/

cant remember what was ya name before ?

Posted: 20-10-2003 22:23
by Messy

Posted: 21-10-2003 09:11
by h3r3tic

Posted: 21-10-2003 10:14
by Samur
happy birthday guys :p

Posted: 27-10-2003 00:12
by Ars3h
happy birthday cY

Posted: 27-10-2003 00:30
by CaPøNe
happy b-day cY,I hope for a 2. year /o\

Posted: 27-10-2003 15:26
by METAFrank
havent been checking these forums a few months now... happy bday, was a great time being being 1st and 2nd with this clan in season 1 :P

well, dont think ill play more again in the next few months - with 1.9 maby

Posted: 27-10-2003 22:06
by FeEdiKo
omfg meta, hi! :o :eek: \o/

Posted: 01-11-2003 12:46
by InSaNe`DB
feediko :o

metafrank :o

wheres deus cyph :(

and !moo

before i go i say..

i saw a person named cY.d4r or summit he was good so i thought it was an alias any1 know who he is i forget he played in the very very very old dyas?