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Posted: 10-10-2003 10:39
by BlackFlame
curve takes the game to seriously if you win he bitches if you lose he bitches

Posted: 10-10-2003 11:18
by Robotojon
sgt wallbreaker (copyright DavidM 2003) is an asshat

Posted: 10-10-2003 12:26
by -plær-
beautiful image.
i wonder if there is a niche market out there for hats to be worn 'au derriere'...

Posted: 10-10-2003 16:21
by Robotojon
it was more implying he has his head up his ass, thus giving one the impression that he may be wearing some kind of "asshat". I apologize for the misinterpretation :)

Posted: 10-10-2003 23:18
by Messy
Uhm. Hi. I'm a mosher =)


This is me, no, I don't suck cock, I don't send the devil on your ass, I don't wear glasses and yes, I *do* actually get chicks looking like this ;p

oki can we stop being attention whores now lynx?

ps: I bet u think moshing is gay, well fuck u, try standing in a pitt and try not to whine, battyboy. \o/

Posted: 11-10-2003 08:07
by Dazlin
this is turning into the post a pic of ur self thread o/

im the big gay looking one with the skull top the other one is my brother....

Posted: 11-10-2003 09:48
by BurntLeaf
Très pd

Posted: 11-10-2003 09:58
by Ars3h
dazlin: you look like that boy from malcom in the middle :p

btw i like your top :X

Posted: 11-10-2003 13:10
by Rens2Sea
You really look like a dazlin -_-

Posted: 11-10-2003 13:13
by Requiem

Posted: 11-10-2003 22:38
by Messy
Leet, he's moshing with his brother =D

Posted: 11-10-2003 22:49
by Dazlin
lol messy idd :D

nah i dont look like malcom in real life just well my face is fux0rd there o/

Posted: 11-10-2003 23:22
by Messy
Coz u were punched in the face! \o/

Posted: 13-10-2003 13:57
by DJ.G.
f1end wrote: He seems to have a problem with people who wear glasses...maybe this is due to the fact he has to wear prescription 3D-glasses...

HAHAHAHAHAHA lynx is a mosher :p

Posted: 13-10-2003 16:28
by Ars3h
omg dont insult me