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Posted: 29-08-2003 13:42
by f1end
Originally posted by Dogfather
if the posted speed limit is 50 and everyone is driving 70 do you go 50 because that's what the sign says and get run over or do you get with the program...

Drive at 55, then LMAO @ the people who get caught speeding, get fines, and then points on their licence, causing their insurance to double in price ;)

Posted: 29-08-2003 13:48
by Dogfather
ok you're missing the damn point entirely...

Posted: 29-08-2003 14:08
by Hoju

Posted: 29-08-2003 14:46
by f1end
U had a point? o_O

Posted: 29-08-2003 14:54
by Dogfather
yeah it went over your head and is somewhere in russia.. catch it next time it passes

Posted: 29-08-2003 15:08
by Robotojon
cant really equate a server setting to the law

Posted: 30-08-2003 07:21
by beefsack
soz for not reading the thread, but recently ive been playing in NA servers quite a bit (look out for CxZ|Beefy :) ) and i have trouble finding a server that isnt VO :( so dont yell at me if i keep missing volleys ;)

Posted: 31-08-2003 10:04
by beefsack
hmms today i was trying to find a non vo server and found that all pubs with ppl in them in the server list were vo :/ i dont understand ppls obsession with it...

Posted: 31-08-2003 13:37
by BL44T
2COOL4-U wrote: I prefer playing on a server with a low ping, so I end up on an European server as I'm from Europe. The same goes for DavidM(and most other Europeans). It seems the logical to me :)

Not that logical,
when you like to play with the same persons over and over again, it's ok, but i (and more with me) like to play with Americans/Canadians as well, and I dont care about the ping, you can get used to it easily, it's like .5 seconds delay. When you know how to handle it it's playable.
Anyway, it seems that NA servers/people like vo more then Europeans. Not quite weird they're alot better as well.

Posted: 01-09-2003 18:21
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
yesh yesh

na volleying > euro volleying kthx

rush server @ chicago = 100 ping for meee ^_^ cant find v3 server tho :( /me wants to play with bl44t on na server :o

OMG MAKA SUX :spammer::ban:

|| LOOK!!!
\/ [/edit]

Posted: 01-09-2003 18:35
by MaKa{FCU}
\o\ messy u sux :x

Posted: 01-09-2003 19:07
by theberkin8or
errr unless i am aliasing most ppl in NA know of me.... they may know that i suck but they still know me therefore i am not really worried about them thinking i am a n00b

Posted: 03-09-2003 02:35
by Esorcismo
Yeah this happens to me all the time. I'll check a server config and it will say "OnlyVolleyGoals=False" I was never the best volley shooter but I am a strong and confident regular shooter. And if I'm on a breakaway in a non VO server, I will shoot regular. I did that a couple times and told a guy to stfu cause I wasn't playing how he wanted me to (VO). I said "if it's not in server config, I WILL shoot regular" and he tells me he can have me banned from all North American servers. LOL what a crock! I don't like VO in ANY map cause if it were meant to be a VO game, the creators would've made it that way. Besides, you don't see hockey players (of which I am one) playing one-timer goals only do you?

Posted: 03-09-2003 02:47
by Surge
But a good 1 timer is more effective than a slapshot as far as DB is concenrned... untill shooting gets better no one will use it.

In compairison from DB to hockey, in hockey you can easily shoot from the blue line, in DB you cant whatsoever. Either shooting maximum power needs to be guaged to distance or a good volley will ALWAYS be more effective than a good shot just because of misdirection and usually the lack of a defender.