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Posted: 06-08-2003 03:47
by Surge
Chrisfu wrote: Don't forget, it's also an excellent way to miss the ball entirely.

not if you jump and hammer down as the ball passes under you.

Posted: 13-08-2003 08:05
by InSaNe
Eh I'm available for keep, I can help out anyone but as Surge said, I became good from RusH -NS- and SoP constantly yelling at me every time I go near them, you can't teach skills, you play alot and learn from watching other players.... I helped out Norma alot before they had a league match against |-F-|, and my advice worked because he was similar to me, he got yelled at in ballers matches and pubs and irc etc. But I totally agree with Surge, this is just bull and waste of your time. If you need help to #dbpickup on QNet or #DBPug or PGP and join the ballers. Watch the pros play and gain experience....


Posted: 13-08-2003 17:23
by theberkin8or
hey now don't be dising the dba insane i am joining when i come back :-D

Posted: 13-08-2003 20:16
by InSaNe
You don't need it berk!!! Damnit you're good and you deny it you nubcake :p

Don't join.... It makes no sense, play ballers and pubs more and you'll get 1337 again berk no need for this DBA bullshit. :|


Posted: 13-08-2003 22:15
by theberkin8or
you are probably right that i don't NEED it but i think it will be fun :D

plus maybe adren will finally teach me how to volley ;)