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Posted: 07-08-2003 13:55
by Cenotaph
my windows XP rarely crashed, like once a month :p

Posted: 07-08-2003 14:08
by YoYo789
yeah windows xp is the best pc windows yet imho.

Posted: 07-08-2003 14:49
by NightSpirit|ZBN
WindowsXP is certainly a lot more stable than Win9x versions - but then that really isn't difficult is it? :P. Regarding "best windows version" Well that would depend on what you are using it for (server/desktop). :)

Posted: 07-08-2003 20:08
by Astroboy
uhh... all OSes suck serious ass.

I haven't been satisfied with an OS since DOS.

WinXP is the closest I've been to satisfied. There were a few blue screens with XP that some people had, but they are very fixable and identifiable.

I haven't used Macs extensively in a few years, but they weren't "rock solid" like many people claim them to be.

Stupid people running MS OSes = crashes.
Stupid people running Mac OSes = crashes.

If you are smart enough your OS will almost never crash regardless of what OS you are running.

Also: never mix program crashes with OS crashes.

Posted: 07-08-2003 20:29
by TEZC_Robban
my pc crashed once in 2 years, i r smart \o/

Posted: 08-08-2003 09:29
by NightSpirit|ZBN
DOS was good in it's day. Now I couldn't stand to use it since I am used to stuff like tab-completion and stuff when using commandline.

I don't think that anyone was doubting stability of WindowsXP, but earlier Windows and Mac OS's were certainly not stable enough. Yes, I like to configure things and play around rather than stick with defaults, but I am not stupid.

If the OS your office chooses to give you in a work environment is a windows 9x machine then no amount of intelligence will enable you to fix it to run stable AND get serious work done. Running resource meter avoids a lot of screw ups and God knows why that isn't automatically run on every default install :rolleyes: And obviously avoiding the awful IE helps avoid crashes too. While an IE crash may be a application crash, because of the way it's integrated it quite often takes the OS down with it.

Posted: 08-08-2003 16:39
by fro
TEZC_Robban wrote: my pc crashed once in 2 years, i r smart \o/

it would crash more if you'd switch it on more than twice :)

Posted: 08-08-2003 23:23
by Cenotaph

Posted: 11-08-2003 11:47
by f1end
I have yet to experience Mac OS X crashing!!!!

Yes, applications crash, but not the OS.


Mac OS 7 p0wned, Mac OS 8 P0wned more, Mac OS 9 sucked ass, OS X p0wns again
And the only application i have had repeated trouble with crashes on OS X??? = Microsoft Internet Explorer :ban:

Posted: 12-08-2003 20:18
by Cenotaph
lol this is gettin stupid now

Internet explorer is Evil
Microsoft Sux
Apple OWNS

Posted: 15-08-2003 10:23
by fs|Pele
usnaved ? wtf ? that shit cant spell :D

and the fact that windowsxp is alot more stabile is because the hardware requirements where increased .^

ps: i use custom pc cause it is FREEDOM !! i dont depend on anyone ....