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Posted: 23-07-2003 08:51
by Dazlin
DudeGuy wrote: no, i don't care either, so...


omg i found out you and gutter = big dog and me too acording to my flamers guide gutter is the big dog and dudeguy is me too :rolleyes:

and for any of you who wand to find out what type of flamers you are up against you can go to.......

ok oh yeh 200 posts woo yeh :spammer:

Posted: 23-07-2003 10:25
by Surge

Posted: 23-07-2003 10:36
by gutterflower
"but your a retard ive never seen before"
how do you know hes a retard if you havn't seen him. we're not interested in your prepubescent crap dazlin. If you're going to keep spamming do it in the spam forum.

Posted: 23-07-2003 11:45
by f1end
Dazlin...ur avatar looks very much like some1 i play CS with...but afaik he don't play deathball...BUT...he's a bit of a knob too...maybe it's something to do with genetics..

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:32
by Dazlin
gutterflower wrote: "but your a retard ive never seen before"
how do you know hes a retard if you havn't seen him. we're not interested in your prepubescent crap dazlin. If you're going to keep spamming do it in the spam forum.

Gutter I would love to close this thread but I cant 2nd this isn’t Spam... if it was Spam I would be saying the same thing over and over again and plz don’t put big long words in like "prepubescent" which you don’t know the meaning to without looking up a dictionary 3rd plz don’t reply to my posts if don’t have anything other to say than "we don’t care cos I’m gay" or "don’t Spam cos that’s what I’m doing just now" ok and last I cant ignore you because you are an ADMIN of tennis ghey :(


kthx i win :rolleyes:

oh and btw does it make you feel cool that your trying to flame a 13 year old and failing?

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:35
by gutterflower
i know what prepubescent means, do you?
So you think spam has to be sent multiple times to be spam? do you know what spam means? and then you say im spamming.. lol

this thread is pointless, theres a forum for this bullshit this is undeathball related tripe.

and your last comment..

over to surge

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:38
by XiLLeRaToR
hes not failing daz, ur just proving that 13 year olds have the intelligence levels of a retarded sloth, you are idd everything that he described you as. and as far as i know, im sure fizz doesnt need to look up words such as pre pubescent, and yes he knows what it means, if you look in a dictionary you will find this

prepubescent : - before reaching the level of physical and mental change known as puberty.... example :- acting like a fag and posting stupid remarks, another trend amongst people who are prepubescent is to copy annoying ideas that americans do ie : kthnx

how does it feel to be a 13 year old, think your elite, yet get owned and still manage to look like a moron?:)

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:39
by gutterflower
oh and you lost the second you posted your 2 avatars. i dont know which one is uglier...really i dont

omfg xill, is that you in your sig, if it is HAHAHAHAH you're insane man :D

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:46
by Dazlin
2 avatars when did I post them? Ok is it ok if David moves this to the ot section then you can try flame me some more and xill I don’t know what to say but I just got owned :'( but by you not by fizzy :D gezz this community is grate say your sorry to some one and you get flamed by some other retard :(

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:47
by gutterflower
i dont need to flame you, you flame yourself

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:48
by Dazlin
gutterflower wrote: i dont need to flame you, you flame yourself

huh?@ i falme my self, and im waiting for you to tell me where i posted my to avatars

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:49
by XiLLeRaToR
Dazlin wrote: 2 avatars when did I post them? Ok is it ok if David moves this to the ot section then you can try flame me some more and xill I don’t know what to say but I just got owned :'( but by you not by fizzy :D gezz this community is grate say your sorry to some one and you get flamed by some other retard :(

grate :- a protective device or obstruction of view "a steel grate was in my path"

great :- very good, often used ironically ie: "this community is great"

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:50
by Dazlin
yes ok i make typos and spelling errors nice of you to point them out O_o

this is what you just did well done :|

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:51
by XiLLeRaToR
thanx, makes me feel that much more good about myself knowing i am helping to give the youth of today a much more enlightened view of our grammar and spelling:D

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:53
by Dazlin
much more good its much better n00b :p