Dribbles + Quadjump mut would be better...

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Post by Diab »

well there are alot of mutator coders on the net, if a clan wants dribble just ask a big favour and let them code something to stop speed drop from 30% shots. im sure it could be done by telling the game to keep player speed 100% when needed.

who would make it though.. :3, and i dont favour dribble, its too ego.
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Post by theberkin8or »

being able to actually use break aways=ego???
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Post by Astroboy »

I would love to see man to man defense in this game again.
Or at least people playing positions. We try to have our team members play positions, even if it means losing to boostcrazy teams

Of course our 'offenseman' gets spammed at for being a goal hanger, even if he gets the ball barely past the half-way line.

Like it's his fault you didn't have anyone on defense :rolleyes:

But then it takes him like 5 minutes to get to the net unless he throws it to the back wall so half of the breakaways are stopped by 3 guys who magically end up in the pbox anyway.
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

O_O ur saying boosting is unfair or what?

Both playing positions and boosting is important in db, but because there are only 5 ppl and boosting is such an important factor, DB positions are to be played dynamically.

The entire point is to boost ur midfielder (and possibly) more defenders back, and also enforce ur attack.

"duh" ^^;
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Post by Astroboy »

yes I know how to boost :P

But I don't think it should be an integral part of the game.

I mean, getting boosted and then jumping 4 times to get half way across the field in a second is more broken than dribbling ever was.

It's not like dribbling would make you go faster than a boost, but it would help just a little to make breakaways and 1 attacker 1 defense situations worthwhile.

Basically, I'm trying to support Surge here by asking "Why did we take out something that let's an attacker move a bit faster when there is still something that lets you fly across the field?"
Last edited by Astroboy on 09-07-2003 19:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Coz DB is supposed to be a team effort, that's y.

[edit]If ur trying to say boosting is too easy for that much progression in a game, well yes, it isn't the hardest of skills, but trying to do it too fast will result in cripple boosts which gives u a loss of time, and now u have to do it perfect due to the limited effectiveness because of the reduction of boosting power (now u have to do the walk and the jump :D wow what a skill ;) )[/edit]
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Post by Astroboy »

sure, it's a team game but it's not like the keeper is going dribble from his own net and avoid the other team until he gets to the other net and then score.

there was just not really any reason to take it out other than people didn't abuse boosts as much when it was taken out, so it seemed like alot more of an exploit back then as it is now.

and man.. this boost discussion in several threads is giving me a headache lol
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Post by Surge »

*taps foot*

why is it whenever i, or most others, raise a legitimate question that we want David to answer he ompletely avoids us unless he can make us look stupid.

Maybe the problem isnt with DB, maybe its the Community Relations on the part of the development team.
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Post by theberkin8or »

it is both surge ;)