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Post by Harold|ZBN »

im sorry u didnt find out sooner, ^^ ive always been an asshole u really gotto piss me off good to trigger it tho (which in this case is the Curve change) and not u gutter :p
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Chick-kun wrote: youll find that 1.4b is much more fast paced and shot power seems a lot faster

I think the main prob with ppl saying this is that they havent tried.
I do agree with gutter (:eek: ).
If u go back to play 1.4b (or any other version) now, most probably it will be a lot different because ppl have changed their style of play individually and as a team. And this not only due to stuff being removed or forced onto u as the dribble was removed etc. but also due to simply more training and knowledge in what's effective and simple evolution/trends (like the 'cata'-move-whorage \o/).

Anyway, what im saying is that it will be much different and its time to let go of these memories and for us to stop sounding like old ppl. "It used to be much better in the old days". Nostalgic memories arent very close to the truth mostly.

As one of the most important things in buddhism goes (rofl :p) u have to let go of the old things and all which u accomplished (including skill with a certain move etc.) to move on to new things and there is no other way to appreciate it for what it's worth.

So uh..puh :rolleyes:
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Post by Astroboy »

It's totally the players who have changed.

Back in 1.4 we laughed at the noobs who were always chasing the ball.

Now it's the 'pros' who chase the ball and if there's a guy who's just say, playing midfield, he gets bombareded with "OMG BOOST U NOOB FFS".

Sprints and boosts turned everyone into the old style noobs cuz now they can chase the ball :P

heh Sometimes on pubs I'll be keeper but playing a little further forward, and my teammates boost me :rolleyes:

You boosters are NOTHING BUT NOOBS!!!!!! :P :P :P

But boosting was always there, wasn't it? It just wasn't abused. Game didn't change, players did.
Last edited by Astroboy on 09-07-2003 16:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Do u even know what ur talking about? X_X
So boosting a teamie towards the ball so they will get possession over the ball sooner as the offence is n00bish?

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Post by Astroboy »

If there are two guys going after the ball, and you boost your teammate there so he gets the ball first, that's totally not noob, obviously.

This is how boosting becomes noobish:
"oh no! enemy team iz on attack and we have no defendars! let's all boost to defense!!"

*whole team boosts back to defense*

"gud! we stopped the attack! now let's all boost to offense!"

*whole team boosts to offense*

It's just a fast paced noob match. And that's what you see VERY often, otherwise people wouldn't be complaining about "3 men camping the pbox", would they?
*edit* (I don't mean 3 people camping pbox the whole time, I mean 3 guys who have been boosted towards defense.)*/edit*

My point was that before, boosting was used for things like the first situation; on occaision and with purpose.

Now it is just used to noob around the field back and forth and back and forth.

But as I stated before, boosting was always there and it's just the people who have changed and started abusing it, and as such the people who bitch and bitch for 1.4 or 1.5 or **insert favorite version here** should stop bitching because those versions played today will not play like it did before.
Last edited by Astroboy on 09-07-2003 19:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

I must agree we (and most teams) do that too.
But is that a crime? it is very effective and i wouldnt call it n00bish.

Besides, if, like u said, u as a team playing positions more and boosting less, get beat by teams that DO boost like this, u cant blame ppl for 'abusing that'.

Since the boosting hasnt changed much untill this version, this tactic was always (and still is) there, and afaik it's been used about the same (could be just me tho).

Im guessing it might be more ur movement up from pubs to 'professional' and organized teamplay that makes u think this, instead of a general evolution in DB gameplay.
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Post by theberkin8or »


btw it hasn't always been like this, back in my early clan days, boosting like this was still rare with NS the only team doing it all the time.
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Post by DavidM »

but its all about the players, nothing about the game versions
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Post by Astroboy »

it is very effective and i wouldnt call it n00bish
the Noob cannon was terribly effective too, wasn't it? But we took it out of the game. (one whole second latency is a bit overkill IMO, but I'm glad noob cannon is gone).

And no, I'm not going to say "OMG OMG GET RID OF BOOSTING". I just find watching the 'pro' matches to be lame cuz it's nothing but boost. The best fun I've had with deathball is at megaLANs with like 300 people. Nobody knows how to boost, but you get a HUGE amount of teamplay going, way more than you can claim with 'oh yeah boosting is team play!'
(It's hilarious fun when someone 200 feet away is yelling "ASTRO!! PASS IT HERE!!!" :D)

And I'm not going to deny that boosting isn't effective. Oh.. also technically my team is undefeated (1-0 lol) ;)

But ANYWAY, my whole point in bringing up the boost thing is for anyone who says "bring back xx version" to stfu, because it will probably be worse than 1.7 because of the way people play now. Boost is just ONE example of how players have changed.

Oh also, I don't think "1.7 is perfect amazing DavidM yay!". There is PLENTY wrong with deathball atm. But do you remember what the forums were filled with during v1.3? or 1.4? or 1.4b? or 1.6? No version has been perfect, so STFU.
Last edited by Astroboy on 09-07-2003 23:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Diab »

we should have nerer had noob cannon, and it was a mistake that got it in to 1.6, so you cant compalin because its gone (to whoever is).
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Post by fs|Pele »

BOOOOO @ new tribun o// we need more middle sized maps :/
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Post by Large Potato »

The problem i see with boosting is its completely unrelated with pbox camping, yet some ppl are seeing nerfing it as some kinda magical cure to the camp.

All nerfing boosting would do is force teams to play a defender or 2 whilst attacking. This just means less ppl attacking and even less goals will be scored than currently.

It wont stop pbox camping as a tactic because even without boosting the attackers can run back to help out the defenders that are forced to stay back, and after the opposition attack breaks up it will just take an extra 15 seconds or so to work the ball up to your attack again.
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Post by Astroboy »

Attackers running back to help defense :rolleyes:

That's just the classic noob I was talking about earlier.
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Post by Large Potato »

*shrug* a good pbox camp uses the whole team and this scenario is based on no boost being available showing boosting to be irrelevant to the pbox camping issue. :rolleyes:
Last edited by Large Potato on 10-07-2003 16:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by theberkin8or »

ok how many time do want to say "it is the players not the verson" we know that, we want the game played like it was b4, which you as a dev should be able to do,

btw potato give me a 2 v 2 on O over a 3 v 3 anyday cuz it is man to man marking and it is just more fun (the overall goals being scored doesn't matter that much)