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Posted: 16-06-2003 01:54
by DavidM
no way, that would be such a ghey effect, it would look/sound like a bug

Posted: 16-06-2003 02:53
by R3L!K
it would take getting used to, thats all.

Posted: 16-06-2003 17:31
by theberkin8or
davidm... that has to be the worst arguement for why not to put something in to the game i have ever heard.... if you list it in the change list then nobody is going to think it is a bug....:\

Posted: 18-06-2003 17:27
by InSaNe
Rampart = Pwnage

Posted: 18-06-2003 17:29
by DavidM
berk....only the few people who know the prob and who read the list would understand it
99% think its a bug..........
and i already told you why this thing would not help at all. it would make it even easier for defenders

Posted: 18-06-2003 17:54
by theberkin8or
um davidm ppl not being able to hear until latter would make it easier for defenders??? ummm i am looking for an arguement as to that highly contradictorty to logic statement... and i don't see one. i think maybe i understand what you are thinking but i think you are wrong: i beleave you might be thinking that the defender will try to mark the O until they hear the charge sound, which would get rid of ppl being able to beat the shake by good timing. but i don't know about you but you find a defender that can make me that well and i will show you a defender that deserves to beat me. plus it would force ppl to stop pbox camping which would open up to a good passing game around the box which would balance out any possible increase in the power of defence .also i am not trying to make O easier, i don't want any crutch to leen on. i want fun and fun only :D

and ffs if ppl think it is a bug who gives a shit? seriously if ppl aren't smart enough to read the change list and understand something as simple as that idea... what is the worst thing that could happen? ppl come and complain on the forums and you tell them they are a bunch of n00bs and that is that.... so basically i stand by my statement

Posted: 26-06-2003 00:29
by theberkin8or
i don't care if ppl like 1.7 ramp's ideas still pwn and you still need to respond to what i said davidm

Posted: 26-06-2003 17:49
by theberkin8or
this is going to keep come to the top if you don't answer me davidm ;)

Posted: 27-06-2003 17:54
by theberkin8or
to the top once more

Posted: 27-06-2003 18:25
by Maegrim
stop that berk!


Posted: 27-06-2003 21:45
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Ugh, imo ppl shud stop trying to totally throw deathball over unless they want to make a spin-off theirselves, like powerball even tho i dont like that concept, as opposed to this one ^^;

It's just useless ^^; if all these concepts and ideas would be put in no matter how good they are, there would be so many variations on the game it would be crazy, since i've read way to many ideas and concepts that would make db a totally different game.

Posted: 27-06-2003 22:18
by theberkin8or
i would love to see this coded, i don't care how, this game would be much more fun than db currently is, sorry for the spam i just want davidm to respond :p

Posted: 27-06-2003 23:23
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
=/ I dont know whether it will be more fun, i doubt it really ^^; plus it wudnt be very much of a seperate mod, more like a cheap variation :p.

If this idea would have come before deathball it would have had some use, but now it would be useless to code it (imo ^^;)

Posted: 27-06-2003 23:55
by theberkin8or
ei of little vission ;)

Posted: 28-06-2003 00:01
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Plz correct urself? O_o ("ei"? =/)