All star game

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Post by TEZC_Robban »

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Post by Cenotaph »

Lets start a poll with every player in DBL \o/
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Post by Cenotaph »

most good teams are in div2 and div3 and div4, ig(DEUS, DAMN, AoV, ZBN)
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Post by NaB »

ceno, we cant pick and choose other teams from lower divisions. its not fair on the rest.
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Post by nameless »

davidm that s why i said remove some of our points, then another team will win and i can get a chance :)
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Post by Chrisfu »

I'll sub. :D
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Post by R3L!K »

so its tezc vs cY again.

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Post by DavidM »

yeah weird, looking at the ranking it makes no sense
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Post by GazMaN »

i dont know how applicable this is, but how bout somthing like, every one can post here who they think their all star lineup shud b, then after so many entries som1 counts up the teams and the players mentiopned mostimes gets picked?

might b gay , dunno , but that way a wider range of players can b used leading to a varied team selection
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Post by R3L!K »

In many respects the all star team would actually have to play as a cohesive, practised team if they stand a chance against 13.

So since the majority of people are voting tezc players, it kinda works out nicely

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Post by DavidM »

heh, but in the end it wouldn't make sense if you look at the league ranking, it should be another team if you see it that way
but anyway, it should be a mix, not all tezc 0_o
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Post by R3L!K »

yeah i agree.

if we really were the all star team we should have won the league!

Having said that two of the key players in the all star team were missing from our squad for an important period of the league, so maybe that had an effect too.
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Post by Axl »

imo its not all stars, its who is most.. erm.. well known within the deathball community looking at the results so far.. as rel says if TEZC were really the "All Stars" team we would have won the league.. :/
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Post by L33FY »

I know it may sound stupid and weird and alot to code but maybe...Include 1 best player from the best team in the other leagues (2,3,[4?]) voted by teamadmin or maybe teamadmin is the bestplayer... (Not in my case :D ) so that...erm... Well....

Maybe ignore me.
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

LOL, just looking at the thread, as with most things in DB whenever something is suggested, ppl all go along with it and then find problems etc. pretty soon the thing then breaks out into a flame war =) (fortunately not at that stage)

I dont like how ppl are saying that its all 'TEZC' etc. I would like to think that if one of my clan mates was in the all star team, that it wouldnt hinder my chances of getting in. Where as it seems it does =/

Where do u draw the line then?? 3 ppl from each clan etc. either way it wouldnt be fair since this is based on the individual and not on their tag.

if every player was to come from the same clan, wouldnt bother me tbh, since thats what the 'Players' have chose themselves. When using the poll its best to look at every1 as being clanless to prevent ppl being bias etc.