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Posted: 10-06-2003 19:51
by Surge
see, the way box camping works right now is players stay back a bit to block shots (1-2 steps) or they wait till you step foot in the box and they kill you... If they hear you charge they rush at you and try to hit you. This will either a) block the shot, or b) make you shake. The odds of getting off a solid close shot are very low. What were perposing is the the shot sound is lowered so you literally have to be on top of the person to hear them charge.

Posted: 10-06-2003 19:56
by R3L!K
not sure if my rusty memory still works...

the problem we had in the days before the shot charge sound was that good attackers would take a hit before charging their shot. The shield gun refire rate was too slow to get a second hit on the attacker before they fired at near full power by which time the shake had worn off and the defender was basically left useless.

A return to this style might lead to an INCREASE in pbox camping as the safer bet would be to wait for the one shot kill rather than take them on early.

Now, unless there have been changes to the shield gun refire rate, the shake time etc that I'm not aware of, I think we should all think more carefully whether we want the charge sound or not.

Posted: 10-06-2003 19:57
by DiStUrbeD
I used to do that (pbox camping), but pretty much for matches, only cuz 1) the other team does it and 2) cuz it works.

We played a match the other day and i was havin a ton of fun killing the cross striker (striker coming in the box, opposite of the ball, to volley goal in) it seems to be the latest thing, and people seem surprised when i kill them when they try. I find it fun. :D

Posted: 10-06-2003 19:58
by DavidM
oh congrats relik, the first person in here who thinks one step further :)

Posted: 10-06-2003 19:59
by R3L!K
who me?

Posted: 10-06-2003 20:06
by Surge
considering that the reload delay on the hammer is LOWER than a full shot charge and that you dont actually HAVE to hit them (no really, you can let them run into the box) then it makes your comment irrelavent.

You hit me i charge, you wait for a second defender i die. It all depends on how you play defense, not how the attacker decides to time his shot.

Posted: 10-06-2003 20:07
by DavidM
you gotta be very lucky to hit him twice during one charge time, think more carefully next time
and I'm sure we won't add any luck depended factors to db

Posted: 10-06-2003 20:10
by drifter
I don't seem to remember having any problems before 1.5 with hearing the power up (as a keeper) or else I probably would've stopped playing in goal a long time ago! ;) Many games since these early versions, I've slept since then! It can be difficult to remember the exact praises and flaws with each point release.

I see the case for reducing the volume again, but I'll back up what sycophant and others have said... as a keeper (esp in a O on K scenario (heaven forbid)) I find the "pass shots" tricky enough to stop, not hearing a charge gives you no indication that the ball is going to trickle or dart towards you...

Posted: 10-06-2003 20:12
by Surge
Your right... Luck is retarded...

shake shots
over charges
if it will even bouce of you when holding right click
if the bouce ball will bug and go 100+ m/s
not getting the bug
not spitting out the ball and getting the charge bug
not getting the gun switch bug
the ball doing a random banana
and the server actually not crashing

Ya, theres no luck factor to Deathball besides all those... and your still wrong, try holding down hit left click when you hit him the first time so it hits him again right at 1.2 seconds


do you even play your own game?

Posted: 10-06-2003 20:34
by Scotteh
not sure if my rusty memory still works...

the problem we had in the days before the shot charge sound was that good attackers would take a hit before charging their shot. The shield gun refire rate was too slow to get a second hit on the attacker before they fired at near full power by which time the shake had worn off and the defender was basically left useless.

A return to this style might lead to an INCREASE in pbox camping as the safer bet would be to wait for the one shot kill rather than take them on early.

Now, unless there have been changes to the shield gun refire rate, the shake time etc that I'm not aware of, I think we should all think more carefully whether we want the charge sound or not.
R3L!K read my post on the second page where I talked about 1on1's.

Posted: 10-06-2003 20:41
by R3L!K
heh, i should have read your post!

would have saved me some hassle!

your right of course, though waiting for another defender is not always an option.

Posted: 10-06-2003 20:45
by Surge
then camp the Pvox like you do now anyways... when your inside O at least has a CHANCE (i'll be it a small one) to score by dancing around on the outside and taking fade shots.

Pbox camping is a tactic i agree but it shouldnt be used the ENTIRE game. Bumping up the shot power a bit should fix the obvious camping problem becuase you'll be able to shoot from farther away. Another way would be to 1/2 the shake time and leave the game how it is now. It would force the defender to hit you near the end of the charge opposed to almost ANY time durring the charge.

Posted: 10-06-2003 20:53
by R3L!K
I actually agree with you on increasing shot power as I believe a direct shot on goal should be as effective (if not more effective) than volleys.

As it is now, a decent keeper can save most charged shots which is perhaps the cause of the over-reliance on volleys and other less scrupulous ways of scoring.... cough broomstick.... cough

Posted: 10-06-2003 21:00
by Diab
Surge wrote: see, the way box camping works right now is players stay back a bit to block shots (1-2 steps) or they wait till you step foot in the box and they kill you... If they hear you charge they rush at you and try to hit you. This will either a) block the shot, or b) make you shake. The odds of getting off a solid close shot are very low. What were perposing is the the shot sound is lowered so you literally have to be on top of the person to hear them charge.

Oh come off the weed m8, sounds like you want an easy setup for goals.

As of late in pubs most people are shooting just before they enter the pbox, thats not that far away and gives time for a bit of banana, anyway what else should the defence do, leave you to score when you enter the box? There choice if they want to defend but i see this like once every 7 odd games...its not like everyone does it on pubs (i play every night)

in a clan match if someone does stay back and camp its there way of working, but ever heard of your teammate boosting him out of the way? i do it.

Posted: 10-06-2003 21:03
by Surge
i'm talking about 1v1's...

Anyone can score 2v1 if your team mate boosts them out of the way. :rolleyes: