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Posted: 07-06-2003 03:53
by b00
way to listen to the community, dave.

Posted: 07-06-2003 03:58
by -NS-KillerRebel
the TS idea would most likely not work due to the delay of time it takes to send the message... if they are lucky they will hit them right before they release it. but, hell, if someone can do that they deserve to be able to use it cause they have quick reactions.

Posted: 07-06-2003 04:20
by NitrousOxide
Take away the instagib for defenders in their penalty zone, just leave it for the keeper.
Take away the shot charge sound for all except the keeper.
Reduce the volley radius to 150 units and make its maximum possible power no more than 10% greater than a maximum charged shot.
Do whatever is necessary to stop the ball carrier from being able to 'fly' across vast areas of the pitch.

You will then get a game where attackers will enjoy the challenge of making space for themselves to pull off shots ('pass' shots and charged shots, volleys will become relatively rare), while the defenders get the chance to do more than just wait inside their penalty zone.

Another positive side effect of these changes will be a more flowing pass game, as players have been able to intercept passes with volleys for many versions of Deathball, due to them being able to hit a ball that is over 2 running steps away.

Posted: 07-06-2003 04:22
by The_One
remove "Take away the instagib for defenders in their penalty zone, just leave it for the keeper." and it's all good.

Posted: 07-06-2003 04:25
by devnull
as far as the NA league wether we stick with 1.6, 1.3b, or any updated version ....alot of the NA league has soley switched to ADBL and i guess if things keep going like they are i guess i will have them all...or not we will just have to see

Posted: 07-06-2003 05:05
by kunee
lol i had to laugh while reading this thread.

guys... be thankful that scoring gets harder. the experience shows that the close matches, drwas or games with less goals are mostly the best and interesting ones.
what about an 28:47 result? crap!

when defence get lost all their abilities to stop an forward what makes the sence for lineup a defence?

maybe you could let ya inspire by other sports. look at basketball or handball. "pbox-camping" at all and nevertheless its possible to score...

think about my shit ;)

Posted: 07-06-2003 05:25
by YoYo789
it is not good that scoring is harder because of the way it is harder. I mean a boostgoal is completely gay, you shouldn't be forced to have to boostgoal because ppl can pbox camp. you shouldn't be forced to pbox camp because ppl can boostgoal.

"s. look at basketball or handball. "pbox-camping" at all and nevertheless its possible to score"

ahem, in basketball you can go above their heads, in handball i believe you can get around the defence. In deathball you can't because pbox camping works. i am yet to see a game where ppl consistently scored against pbox camping without continual use of a gay move.

Posted: 07-06-2003 11:18
by -plær-
NitrousOxide wrote: Take away the instagib for defenders in their penalty zone, just leave it for the keeper.

I honestly believe that is all that is needed to killpbox camping. When I'm defending, (and I admit, I'm not very good at it, but whatever) I don't go to gib them, I'll just wait for them to charge a shot (that means the defender *MUST* be able to hear an attacker charge a shot), *then* hit them, and ta-da! they usually miss. They could pass, but then what is the other player doing unmarked?

The only time I think I ever kill someone in the box is when some muppet thinks it's clever to camp on top of the goalposts. The keeper can still take them out in 1.7.
The other reason to stay in the box/close to goal, is to intercept wallshots. But as in 1.7 keeps have quad-jump, they can now pick these up themselves.

I hope I'm not missing anything obvious. I have a tendency to do that...

Posted: 07-06-2003 11:21
by DavidM
we did that back in 1.1 or 1.2 or something

you guys only think one way.....
this might fix one problem, but it creates 10 new!

Posted: 07-06-2003 12:02
by Onge
Am I the only person who doesn't have a problem with pbox camping...? To be honest, I can't even think when I've experienced it. I play as a keeper or sweeper and I don't want anyone else in my pbox as a keeper...They get in the way...

As a sweeper I tend to man mark the furthest forward attacker or camp halfway between the half way line and the pbox...I don't camp in my pbox as it makes playing very boring and I never encourage my teamates to do so either...However I see nothing wrong with covering the goalline when your keeper has gone walkabout. Changing the power-up sound or instagib properties won't help at all...And are goals a rare occurance in DB? Nope, so pbox camping really can't be 'killing' DB like everyone seems to say...

Posted: 07-06-2003 12:11
by fs|Pele
in every version for of deathball ive seen problems been solved but the community is soo looking for an advantage in deathball that they will always find a solution to make deathbal easier for them, pbox camping was done because it was easy and you dont need alot of strategy to do it , and offenders will find ways to beat pbox camping and then the defense will find another way ,etc.... its a never - ending cycle . ive seen it from since i played db in 1.1

Posted: 07-06-2003 12:13
by DavidM
ya as pele said, there will always be some loopholes

after a new version is out it takes 2 months, then some teams have found something version fixes that, and the go find something else

Posted: 07-06-2003 12:26
by NaB
I somewhat agree with the theory of removing the charge sound tbh. It had levelled the playing field in terms of defenders imo, letting average defenders become as good as good defenders in some respects.

I think it needs to be worked on, id be happy to trial a version with no charge sound see if it really does make it too unfair for the D now all attackers know the wait trick. But some ppl knew it before the charge sound was added and it didn’t stop good defenders foiling them.

This might be the change that opens up the game that you’ve been looking for, its gonna force ppl out of the area to pressurise earlier and making pbox camping a risky business (hopefully)

Posted: 07-06-2003 12:37
by DavidM
when they are camping in their pbox its easier to setup a volley, and its easy to setup a harder volley (2200 you know)
that might force em to come out

Posted: 07-06-2003 12:43
by NaB
wahoo, wall vollies 2200 power. thats gonna make DB the most fun game again :|