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Posted: 18-08-2007 14:34
by DoMmeh``
i guess 2 cents never have been of less worth

Posted: 20-08-2007 11:16
by DavidM
Very untrue. He discovered 5 natural laws,and everybody can check them at any time with almost every person. i've been checking for over 2 months now, and everything applies to those 5 laws. also certain things with myself.

its not about "curing" "cancer". you didnt understand anything of it, as long as you are speaking this way. stop being media manipulated, they hide this from you, it costs nothing and doesnt make us die early for no reason. they have many many good reasons to make up "diseases" to a) kill people (yes, they call it population control, but its just reducing world population to 2 billion) b) making SHITLOADS of money, its the biggest industry in the world, including lots of lobbies that make sure you dont get these info. so if anyone comes reveal it, nobodybelieves it, because the media monopoly makes us think its too good to be true. its not. its the best discovery i ever made.

Posted: 02-09-2007 18:03
by BunnyS
Ok so how do you/we explain the deaths ?

For example. There are apparently from a few different sources. A good few cases of people still dying after trying this way of healing. Now I suspect you will say "they need to 100% believe in their mind it will work otherwise it won't"

My trouble with that is :

1) It's a very convenient way to cover any 'failures' that could come about.

2) Some cases noted to have died after trying this way. Went to extreme lengths for this treatment. Leading me to think they must have truly believe it. Seeing as they refused what we now as "medicine" and even travelled far distances to see Hamer himself for help.

Then I think ok they will say it's ... made up by the people trying to hide the secret of the GNM for their own financial
gain. To put people off believing. But you could easily say that the cases of 'cured cancer' from Hamer are just as made up.


Posted: 02-09-2007 20:09
by DoMmeh``
there are people who die always, even in GNM too i guess if the conflict is just too big or she is mentally too instabil. well there are like 1000-1500 people who die cause of a chemo therapy every day...and then there is this case. maybe she wasnt able to make up her mind because the conflict was too hard, maybe it was just too late. but i`ve never seen a cancer :s kinda sickening....^ thought cancer only is under teh skin

Posted: 02-09-2007 21:04
by BunnyS
Well this brings me to a point. A cure for something is ... something that brings about an end to something right ?

So there is still no cure for cancer in our 'western world' etc
but this also to me doesn't seem to be a 'cure'

My opinion anyway. Also yeah cancer can grow on the inside and out. It's a terrible diseases which ofc people are desperate to find a cure or answer to. So guess it's easy to pin hopes on everything. If you believe it could kill you then you have nothing to loose by trying everything ... but people still die. So for me it's no evidence of a cure.

I said before and I still stand by it. this techniques of using positive thoughts and so on does help. As I also believe chemo-theapry can. Hand in hand working together they could be even greater but still .. no cure.

Posted: 02-09-2007 22:16
by DavidM
Only in the western world there is something like cancer. Other cultures don't even know this.

Chemo is proven to not help ;)
There is not a single piece of evidence for it. Just the few people who "cure" it during chemo got it cured because there conflict was solved at that time.
Why don't doctors not use chemo for themselves? They know what they don't tell us.

Look, we shall not look at it as a disease...its not random growth of cells. It's there for a good reason (in nature at least). Guess why "cancer" always grows at the same few organs and at the same places there.
It's also not about thinking positive....
It's about a certain, exact biological conflict.

Evolution would have sorted out animals with random growing shit over and over.

Posted: 02-09-2007 22:21
by BunnyS
doesn't answer anything for me.


Posted: 02-09-2007 22:32
by DavidM
Then I'll try again:

So there is still no cure for cancer in our 'western world' etc
but this also to me doesn't seem to be a 'cure'

There is one, based on resolving the cause. But people close their eyes for it, because it's not big on the news. The new medicine is not a promise for the cure, but it's the only base for one, because it has scientifically proven the exact start-conflict for each type. So if you can solve that, it will go away, if you can't it wont. Nobody will get it away for you, except yourselves.

My opinion anyway. Also yeah cancer can grow on the inside and out. It's a terrible diseases which ofc people are desperate to find a cure or answer to. So guess it's easy to pin hopes on everything. If you believe it could kill you then you have nothing to loose by trying everything ... but people still die. So for me it's no evidence of a cure.

At least our siciety makes us constantly believe that its a horrible disease. But presenting us a (friggin expensive) chemo (which is proven not to help at all) as a therapy is a joke. We shall not know that it's so much easier, because these lobbies that control what we believe wouldn't make money out of us anymore. Making sense?

It was cataloged that all people with cancer type X have the same conflict. And all means all. Breast cancer patients have a mother/child/partner care conflict. Liver cancer patients have an existence/starving-conflict. I have collected so much evidence for all this myself from people I know. It all fits. I'm through the doubting, but everybody has to go through by themselves to fully believe it. But have to stop believing people who make money out of you believing something, without ever proving it.

Posted: 02-09-2007 23:26
by BunnyS
It's still just too easy imo to say "oh well these people how did die who tried GNM just didn't' believe it enough". I will have to read more still I guess.

Also you say from all cases you know, friends and so on who have had it. This makes sense. From my personally knowledge of people with it and this answer for it.. doesn't fit still :S

Posted: 02-09-2007 23:29
by DavidM
This is not true.
It's not about "enough believing".
All who died did not solve their conflict, or they were already totally ruined by chemo.
You can die and the new medicine is still correct. It's about 5 biological laws. They show you the way, if you can walk it, is up to you. some can't, but most can.

Then let's talk through your friends, what they had and what kind of conflict they might have had.

Posted: 02-09-2007 23:49
by siLVer
first of all: i do not want you to believe me, and i do not say that the gnm is true, and i do not say that any of my words are the truth. i just write down my experiences, and it's your own decision if you want to believe me or not.
Everyone is ok with his own views and thoughts, and i don't want to change anyone.

my experiences with the gnm:

Since the day of my birth i've got the skin desease "neurodermatitis". (the whole skin was itching)
i tried several creams, but nothing helped.
many doctors checked me. all of them said "take this cream" or "well..we can't do anything, you have to live with it."

one day, my mum took me to an alternative medicine doctor. i was about 6 years old. everything he did, was giving me two metal-globes into my hands, and he told me "hold them in your hands for 15 minutes". nothing else. i didnt take any medicine or smth else. he told me that the positive vibes ( i didnt feel any ) of the globes will get my decease out of me.

kk mr. doc, dont tell me about vibrations. i want to get this started. sitting 15 mins on a chair is pretty boring i want to go home..

after this one session, i never ever had any kind of neurodermatitis on my skin. it just disappeared although all of the other doctors said uncurable.

from this day i knew: " dont trust a doctor who wants you to sell something!"

i never thought about the neurodermatitis again. then i was reading something about the gnm... neurodermatitis is a result of parting-conflict with the breast of my mum.

a view days ago, my mum told me (without asking her) , that she wasnt able to breastfeed me, so i had to drink out of a..bottlething..

the second main experience was with another parting-conflict of my home.

every time i left my home, and stayed more than two days somewhere else, my eyelids started to get red and itched. i always thought it was some neurodermatitis again, so i'e put cream on it, but it didnt get better, most times it was worse than without the cream.

the gnm says that this is a parting-conflict because i've lost someone out of my eyes i was used to see every day. so the only thing i was doing, is to hae a call at home, with my father, and with my brother. and after that, my eyelids were normal again. no itching.

really..dont trust doctors...they're humans..and that means they're talking shit.

if you dont like my english, learn german, its the better language anyways

Posted: 03-09-2007 13:32
by BunnyS
Enough now. I'm asking politely. David, silw .... anyone who is interested apparently in 'helping me' when I have asked for no help. Could you kindly not bother me with this again. I have been willing to listen to you and hear this out, I am yet to be convinced but have never said I never will. Yet I constantly get bombarded with this. It has been brought into public domains such as the db channel. Things that I have spoken about to people in confidence seem to get dropped into public conversation and I'm not happy about it. I'm not happy about being in the channel anymore because all I seem to get is this say conversation all the time. I say can we leave it and people carry on saying well .. if you don't' want to listen etc. This matter has become far too personal imo. Has lead me to be greatly upset with a few people I once regarded as trustful. So enough is enough. Leave me be now. It's a shame this has brought an end to playing the game in that channel because I did enjoy it. Also a shame that I wont' be talking to other people I get along with who don't give out unwanted advice and patronise people.

Call me a drama queen ... call me the new ghost ... call me a corned dog ?

Call me what you like but I'm sick of it now. It's upsetting and I don't' want to hear about it or form any of you again. Please respect my wishes and try not to bitch about it amongst yourselves anymore, if you think I'm am all of the things why still bother me with it ALL the time ?

Ok I have said my piece. I'm done. I would say thank you for your time but you have done nothing to be thankful for.

Posted: 03-09-2007 16:44
by DavidM
This is not understandable.
You raise points in this thread, I comment them. End of story.

Silw tells us all about his experience with it. End of story.

It's very much like you closing your ears and eyes, because what you read doesn't seem to be like what you wanted to hear, that's why such a reply turns up now, without anything related to whats been going on. It's just accuses and complaining and has nothing to do with anything here. Nobody wants to attack you, make fun of you or anything, but I sense you constantly feel attacked. Well I don't and I just talked through it with Silw, him neither. I don't know what's going on.

Posted: 03-09-2007 17:04
by Adversary
...but theres more to take into consideration than just whats posted in this manky thread...

hmmm, shame... u know things are bad when you lose the greatest female 2.4 player ;)

still, ur always welcome in the magnets channel bunny :P

Posted: 03-09-2007 23:43
by Sixty
I haven't been here in a long time, but I just feel like commenting on this. I'm not going to argue about wether the theory is true or false, I know far too little about it to form a good opinion.

Just a few words to DavidM: Thinking for yourself is a great concept and all, but you seem over-excited about any news that goes against the public opinion, or is generally accepted as true. I can remember you were a big fan of the "9-11 conspiracy theory". You seem to think that we're all just sheep that listen to the media, but you on the other hand look "beyond" that and see the real truth. I think this is bullshit.

People are not as evil as you think.

Doctors are not just making up diseases, so they can sell you fake drugs and make money. They are not giving people chemotherapy, knowing it will only kill them. (I have a lot of friends who either study pharmacy or medicine, and I am a little offended by that statement.)

The government of the USA is not bombing its' own buildings for some obscure reason. The "media" is not holding back information just so they can keep making money. The world is not this scary place you think it is.

Sorry for the derail.

On the subject: I would like to see you prove these statements:

-"In case of cancer Chemo therapy is what really kills you. "

-"For a woman breast cancer is related to something with her mother or her kid (accident, dead or other). If the depression over it keeps up, you develop cancer. If you solve the conflict it's gone in a few days.

-"All 'cancers' are good for something. "

-"a heart attack is basically nothing, its positive."

- "Only in the western world there is something like cancer."

On a final note: "i had a conflict with my girlfriend, 5 minutes later it was ok, and another 5 minutes later i sneezed." This is so ridiculous it's funny.