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Posted: 17-05-2003 19:10
by Armagon
Ok I've made tha basic room structure, with the metal sliding doors for goals and I've put up the windows. I am yet to add some static meshes to make it look better but hopefully I will have a beta available for download soon. :)

Posted: 17-05-2003 21:20
by Surge
lol Hermit. The idea is to learn UED, not use the basics of it then improve. Give yourself something challenging to do...

Posted: 18-05-2003 09:32
by The Hermit
You ever done anything in UEd? :rolleyes:

Posted: 18-05-2003 11:29
by Armagon
I finished learning Ued before I started making this map. I was just saying that I've made the basis for the room. It'll look nicer once I have given it textures and proper lighting. I'll probably post screenies soon.

Posted: 18-05-2003 15:04
by Armagon
Now so far I have only done the actual room base. But I will be doing the following as I progress:

1. I shall add boxes on either side of the the metal sliding door (the open area will be the goals), so the goals arent so wide.

2. The areas behind goals will be detailed so people who run the ball in can see extra details. One side will lead outside, and the other into a little garage where a car has been pulled apart.

3. I shall be adding some boxes to the right side of the wall.

4. Windows will be added in those open slots on the upper-left. Will make a skybox that can be seen through them, and outside.

5. Texturing (obviously).

6. Hanging lights. I will also have illumination flowing in from the windows.

7. Extra details such as safety signs (eg. "Must wear a helmet in this area") and beams.

8. Produce Radar.

That is a lot to do, but at least I'm on my way. :)


Posted: 18-05-2003 15:06
by cajuncook
Once you spruce that up, it'll be a volley arena. ;)

Posted: 18-05-2003 16:06
by The Hermit
Hopefully not! :(

Armagon, are you putting in the beams across the roof? They would make it harder for the VO bunch... :D

:p to Cajuncook

Posted: 18-05-2003 16:22
by Armagon
Well thats where the hanging lights are coming from. :)

Posted: 18-05-2003 20:22
by Surge
yeah Hermit i have but i lose intrest in everything too quickly...

i have like 10-20 unfinished maps lying around :confused:. Most of them just need some texturing, a few triggers, and some playtesting but i'm too lazy

Posted: 19-05-2003 09:24
by Armagon
Anyone know some good sites for skybox textures?

Posted: 19-05-2003 10:19
by Rens2Sea
I do i do! But i'm at work so i don't have the link here :/

Posted: 19-05-2003 17:50
by The Hermit
Surge wrote: yeah Hermit i have but i lose intrest in everything too quickly...

i have like 10-20 unfinished maps lying around :confused:. Most of them just need some texturing, a few triggers, and some playtesting but i'm too lazy

Maybe if you'd tried a less challenging idea, you might of finished it! ;)
Most of the things discussed for the warehouse will be challenging to a first timer... :rolleyes:

Posted: 20-05-2003 01:06
by Surge
true, but i usually just come up with another idea and start it abandoning my first map... the longest i'v ever worked on a map was on Spring Break this year and i didnt even finish it cause i had to make way too many textures so i gave up.

Posted: 20-05-2003 04:53
by Armagon
Ok, I've textured the inside of the arena, put glass in the windows, and I've added the support beams in the roof. I haven't attached the lights to them yet, I'll put them in when I do the lighting. I'll put up a screenie when I get home. The map is starting to look pretty good. :D
Or at least pretty good for my first effort. :rolleyes:

I'll hopefully have a beta soon, but it is likely that the first will not be playable, because I won't have set up the player starts and zones. It will be just to allow people to see what the map is like in game and so I can find out whether anyone is finding it framerate intensive. Right now I'm getting about the same framerate as I get for smallcube, so it shouldn't be too harsh on the video cards.

What I'm thinking of doing, to vary the style of gameplay a bit, is to put a platform in the center of the map. I would have it made up by one or a few boxes, and the ball would spawn on top of it. It'd be about the same size as one of the platforms in DB-Tribun, so it would be climbable with a triple/quad jump. What you guys think? Yay or nay? :confused:

1. Add decorative static meshes to the arena.
2. Create a skybox.
3. Decorate the areas behind goals.
4. Set the lighting.
5. Place lines on the ground to indicate the half-way point, the penalty zone and keeper boxes.
6. Set up the zones.
7. Set the player starts.
8. Set goal events.
9. Set bot paths.
10. Produce the radar.

I'm getting there. :)

Posted: 20-05-2003 06:13
by The Hermit