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Posted: 07-10-2006 21:24
by DavidM
if i knew...
goldy is busy with stuff and doesn't reply to my mails. so i sit here waiting and share some <3

Posted: 08-10-2006 02:02
by `Ghost`
or targetted hate because Strafe says so :) unacceptable behaviour if I remember rightly

Posted: 08-10-2006 11:23
by DavidM
hm? I don't get it...

Posted: 08-10-2006 11:52
by `Ghost`
Mr innocent act was old the last time you used it

Posted: 08-10-2006 15:48
by beefsack
im very confused

Posted: 08-10-2006 21:11
by DavidM
same :o
i don't even need to pretend inocence

Posted: 09-10-2006 11:09
by StRaFe
ghost :

I know i can be nasty sometimes but what you said the last time i spoke to you was a bit out of order.. Your lucky you have shady to protect you else ill be paying 4 pound to cross that bridge baby :p. You know im joking but i dont know all of a sudden you hate me.. look at this msn convo not less than a 2 weeks ago

9/22/2006 .ghost spookje - 'shout the anthem of the phantom'
obviously a 3xs reunion is on the menu

9/27/2006 .ghost spookje - 'shout the anthem of the phantom' OMGOGMOGMOGMG

9/27/2006 .ghost spookje - 'shout the anthem of the phantom'

Take it easy sir <3

Posted: 10-10-2006 12:49
by `Ghost`
That was a piss take, the Speedy-like reaction to my first line kinda gives that away.

Secondly, Shady's protecting no one, but if you want to be Mr Hard Man on the forums carry on with the immature threats.

Price is so high to get into Wales because of the large number of English coming over here to get away from the dump they lived in :)

And no, I didnt 'all of a sudden hate you'. I dont attack, I retaliate, which is kind of unfortunate because its a waste of time and just stupid in the end. So from now on I'll just ignore your idle threats, ignore DavidM's 'life advice' he tends to give out for free thinking he's doing some one a favour/thinking he knows better.

Posted: 10-10-2006 21:09
by Shady
Can i have some life advice please?

Posted: 11-10-2006 11:15
by Catalyst
Yes. Stop supporting Man Utd and follow _real_ football :p

Posted: 11-10-2006 11:36
by Twigstir
Catalyst wrote: Yes. Stop supporting Man Utd and follow _real_ football :p

Yea, Go Raiders!

Posted: 11-10-2006 14:00
by The_One
Pfff. Baseball is the only american sport worth watching.

Posted: 12-10-2006 03:25
by beefsack

baseball has to nearly rival american football for the "Most time spent standing doing nothing" award

Posted: 12-10-2006 04:17
by Shinobi
beefsack wrote: HA

baseball has to nearly rival american football for the "Most time spent standing doing nothing" award

Nah both baseball and american football are fun, I prefer Football tho.
Hala Madrid!

Posted: 12-10-2006 12:24
by Catalyst
beefsack wrote: HA

baseball has to nearly rival american football for the "Most time spent standing doing nothing" award

No sport can rival cricket in that respect \o/