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Posted: 08-07-2006 17:19
by Kisa
Guess that was just a way to show/hide his face :D And that's what was available in his room ;)

Posted: 08-07-2006 19:13
by snackbar
Good stuff.

Posted: 08-07-2006 19:32
by frkyjenn
Ok, that was cool...

Can someone do me a favor and dub that in English.
It's way to hot here today for me to learn German.


Posted: 08-07-2006 19:45
by Kisa
I tried ...

<Website> On this website you can find the hardest riddle on the internet, a game to be played on a web browser, a game which kept millions of internet users busy for months already.

<DavidM's head> David Muennich, free-lance game designer from Saarbruecken (Germany) developed this riddle with lots of imagination and brain about two years ago. Since then, millions of users all over the world rack their brains to crack the 139 dodgy (blame it on my dictionary) levels.

<Level 3> Notpron, so the riddle is called, requires computer knowledge and some sense of a detective.

<Rules> The tasks to be solved can be found the photos, and despite the minimalistic design, this riddle is not easy. Every so little clue can lead to the solution.

<DavidM reading> DavidM got questions for similar riddles already, one even came from Hollywood, perhaps there will be a sequel soon.

Posted: 08-07-2006 19:53
by frkyjenn
Thank you!

I really appreciate that.

Posted: 08-07-2006 19:58
by codebrakrnoob
Ya so David are you rich... sorry for asking... well?

Posted: 08-07-2006 23:57
by elvisyo
Congrats David! :)

@Kisa, thanks for the translation! (It's even hotter 'round here to learn Dutch now Jenny... :D)

Posted: 09-07-2006 12:08
by DavidM
rich of experience :o

Posted: 09-07-2006 14:10
by Feuergold
I saw it yesterday on tv. And since yesterday evening I like the riddles of notpron ;-)

Posted: 09-07-2006 14:13
by DavidM
how did you find it then?

i ask because them not showing the link at the end kinda ruined it. i had even less hits than the day before....that didn't help at all :/

Posted: 09-07-2006 15:13
by Feuergold
But there is a link on the Page at 3SAT
First you go to
Then you look at the rigth, there you see "szene-news", with "News der Woche", there you have to click.
First you see the "Imagine-Cup", go down and click to "Lesen sie weiter"
You have to click 2 times at the end of the articles at "Lesen sie weiter", then you see the story about "" and the link to notpron/deathball ;-)

Sorry about my bad english, but I hate it at school :rolleyes:

The Link for the Page at 3SAT:

Posted: 09-07-2006 15:16
by DavidM
ok, wollte nur wissen ob dus aus der sendung hattest oder nicht. halt echt verpeilt gemacht irgendwie, weil man ohne auf deren seite zu gehen nicht weiß wie man zu notpron kommt :)

Posted: 09-07-2006 15:19
by Kisa
Volltextsuche for "Imagine-Cup" finally brought me to that link :D

Posted: 09-07-2006 15:19
by Feuergold
Ist etwas sehr umständlich, wer sich wenig im Internet auskennt, wird das auch nicht sofort finden, leider.
Aber die Rätsel sind klasse, auch wenn ich gerade bei 10 festhänge und nicht weiterkomme *g*, denn da fehlt der Linux-Tip *lach* ;-)

Posted: 09-07-2006 16:14
by frkyjenn
Off to babelfish I go!