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Post by Rampart »

I do. I have big spindly hands... So wasd and all the keys around it are too compact for me... I hold the up arrow almost constantly with my index finger, and steer with my thumb. my 3 other fingers use the ins,home,etc. buttons and the right half of the main keyboard for stuff, and then I use the numpad for utility stuff that's needed but not needed in a blink.
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Post by Alars »

whoa i use the arrow keys normally - along with: numpad 0 for sprint, two mouse thumb buttons for curve shots and right ctrl for jump

ill prolly make it numpad 1
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Post by Robotojon »

i use e for forward, a and f for strafe, space for jump, lmb for shoot, rmb for backwards and mouse wheel for curve :)
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

Alars_Crabri wrote: anyone use the arrow keys here instead of W, A, S and D?

I do
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Post by DavidM »

Alars_Crabri wrote: anyone use the arrow keys here instead of W, A, S and D?

hell no, you can only do that when you are left handed, but then I'd prefer the numblock because there are more keys around it that can be used for other things
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

That's why I use them, left-handed that is. Have other usefull things on Delete, End & PageDown along with RightShift for Sprint and probably RightCtrl for Boost Me, although I rarely want boosting as I'm either in goal or defence most of the time, depending on how poor the attack is. ;)
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Post by DavidM »

yeah, i just cant understand right handed ppl using the cursor keys
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Post by InSaNe »

No matter what, a nub will not know what to do, or how to do, even if there is a boost thingy, so no reason to put a boost me button.

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Post by theberkin8or »

insane you n00b it is a good thing cuz even in clan games it will help make things clearer, you never boost anyone that doens't have a boost me on them and you never boost a person that doesn't want to be boosted