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Posted: 06-05-2006 06:18
by Shinobi
Btw I <3 "The Thing" it's a Stephen King book and a great movie with John Carpenter as director and one of Kurt Russel's best role ever in my pov.

Posted: 08-05-2006 11:29
by BunnyS
Oh yeah I like Stephen King :) Some of his I have not liked at all but others such as "Misery" were good , "It" wasn't so bad either.

Posted: 08-05-2006 12:16
by slimshady
i have a question : does anyone here know an author who wrote about dreams?

Posted: 08-05-2006 17:52
by GoldenGun
The last book I've read which I really liked was 'Factotum' by Charles Bukowski.

He is really a good writer

Posted: 09-05-2006 17:01
by kewangji
ok, the follower.
I found out angels and demons is before dv-code

Posted: 22-05-2006 12:17
by BunnyS
/me is now reading Hendrix - by Chris Welch :)

Posted: 22-05-2006 13:08
by Messy
I thought I'd posted it before but I don't see it in this thread so:

atm reading Il Principe by Niccolò Machiavelli.'s so awesome :o
I'm going to take over power in the Netherlands in 15 years or so; should be easy after reading this :o

Posted: 22-05-2006 17:49
by BunnyS
:o Messy is going for world domination !!

Posted: 22-05-2006 19:02
by slimshady

beware !!!

Posted: 22-05-2006 19:06
by fb.shev

/me gets out a screwdriver.

Posted: 22-05-2006 19:22
by kewangji
i wanna read sir arthur conan doyles books,

P.s. yes, it was necesseray (wteva) to write the whole name.

Posted: 04-06-2006 23:52
by veryhardgame
The Alphabet of Manliness

Posted: 05-06-2006 22:00
by kewangji
Exciting times - Terry Pratchett.

dunno if i translated correctly.

Posted: 06-06-2006 15:53
by Rincewind SW
I am as well actually... :)
It's Interesting Times on the English version, means pretty much the same thing with the context.

Posted: 06-06-2006 16:00
by Kisa
Lord of the Rings (yes, I read the books AND watched the movies). One day I'll read the English original ...

Hitchhiker's Guide of course, all 5 books.

Lilian Jackson Braun, "The Cat Who ..." series :D Kind of mystery, always some murder to discover and to investigate.

Shakespeare's Macbeth and others, not all read yet, but I have them all at home :D in English, not easy to read, but fun :)

As for Hemmingway: I don't like his stories. We had them in school, and those were the worst English lessons I had. Macbeth was better :D

Hans Dominik, a Science Fiction author from almost a century ago. Quite interesting :)

Jack Vance, science fiction. The "Planet of Adventure" series (4 books). "Emphyrio". Some other books, too, I just don't remember the titles :)

Jean M. Auel. The "Ayla" series about people from about 10000 years ago.

And I read a lot of mangas :D Problem is, I'm mostly restricted to those that get translated to German, since I can't read Japanese, and importing books from the USA is much too expensive :(