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Posted: 05-02-2006 00:31
by DavidM
omfg updated again :(

Posted: 05-02-2006 17:23
by Tupac's second cousin Ste
I think i agree with rage, its a bit geocities for my liking

Posted: 05-02-2006 23:13
by `Ghost`

Posted: 08-03-2006 02:25
by DavidM
added a text (german) + new 'stuff'

Posted: 08-03-2006 13:58
by BunnyS
I think you missed something out when updating David :)

Posted: 08-03-2006 14:23
by DavidM
yes....that song with me singing will come up there one day too....when I'm satisfied with it....which needs a lot of work :)
plus my microphone is a stupid hissing crap, need a new one

Posted: 08-03-2006 15:59
by BunnyS
;) hehe

p.s still better then mine though :)

Posted: 08-03-2006 18:56
by DavidM
only the mic tho. what does it help to have a pentium 4000 running pong?
(ok, stupid comparison)

Posted: 08-03-2006 19:17
by BunnyS
lol I see your point though :)

Posted: 08-03-2006 19:29
by speedy
DavidM wrote: only the mic tho. what does it help to have a pentium 4000 running pong?
(ok, stupid comparison)
i don't get it

Posted: 10-03-2006 22:01
by Messy
Ich kümm’re mich seit Jahren schon um weibliche Belange

Ein Blick vor meine Türe sagt die Frauen stehen Schlange

Ich stör mich nicht an Neidern aus der Herrenwelt

Ich hab' gelernt zu tun was mir gefällt


even though you probably meant the other one /o\ this one's on my ipod anyway (ja..sorry, but if it's any help: it's got a picture of peppie as album artwork).

edit: So David, what do you think is the reason people want others to know about the things they like - regardless of the countless cons - and what do you suggest is the reason people don't pursue more quality in what they read and eat?
Certainly the knowledge is there, and we - alledgedly - have the ability to self-reflect, so we shouldn't be hooked on the proverbial sugar in the (proverbial -.-) Whiskas right?

Posted: 10-03-2006 23:36
by DavidM
edited it ;)

Posted: 23-03-2006 17:02
by DavidM
if you wanna hear me sing.... your chance

Posted: 23-03-2006 23:37
by Messy
percussion + extra vocals + better pronunciation = <3

Posted: 23-03-2006 23:57
by BunnyS
/me agrees \o/