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Posted: 09-08-2005 11:01
by `Ghost`
DavidM wrote: whats up with you anyway? you come here after some time and every single thread i see you posting in is full of moaning etc

Reminds me of DavidM, no ?

Posted: 09-08-2005 11:35
by beefsack
this thread is the worst

everyone: we hate davidm

davidm: har as if i care, i dont care, you all suck, i am smarter than all of you put together

beefsack: i want to die

Posted: 09-08-2005 12:14
by Sixty
Not everyone hates david, i think the majority is just frustrated about the whole situation of deathball, and blaming him for it.

Posted: 09-08-2005 12:23
by xiller8r
DavidM wrote: whats up with you anyway? you come here after some time and every single thread i see you posting in is full of moaning etc

I'm not moaning, i'm being realistic.

Just offering an alternative opinion to your own, and because i've not been around for a while, that and i've been there first hand to watch peoples reactions at seeing the mod in its current state I feel i'm in a position to comment.

This community has far too many backpatters and brown nosers, sometimes it needs someone to remind people how it looks from the outside.

Posted: 09-08-2005 12:40
by DavidM
im not talking about this thread. about all threads you jump in. just being annoying imo

Posted: 09-08-2005 13:07
by xiller8r
Well my apologies for not being a typical fan boy and chanting "go dave" all my life.

Posted: 09-08-2005 13:52
by DavidM
yay, thats the reply i expected.
you know yourself that it has nothing to do with that

Posted: 09-08-2005 14:36
by xiller8r
Well what do you expect?

I love deathball, I enjoyed playing it immensely for years, until it just stopped making any progress. The points I was trying to make were all relevant to the threads, and I wasn't just "moaning" . I was only trying to draw attention to the fact that DB is unlikely to receive any focus or publicity from anyone when they realise it's not been updated for almost a year.

The potential for deathball is absolutely unreal, but for whatever reasons its never really taken off. I'd love nothing more for deathball than for it to start getting the publicity etc that it deserves, but as I said in my other posts, it won't do this unless some work is done on it now to show that it still is a project in progress.

I'm not on these forums, or any other for that matter to make enemies, and it annoys me that sometimes people think that, everything ive posted has been constructive and in my own opinion correct in relation to the problems that db faces currently.

Posted: 09-08-2005 16:22
by DavidM
you are funny
you keep talking about this thread for some reason

Posted: 09-08-2005 16:38
by xiller8r
Probably because every post ive made in the last couple of days have been to do with this topic, be it in this thread or not, also it makes sense to talk about a particular thread if you happen to be posting in it:F

Why is it that you have NEVER been able to have a conversation with anyone without being so dismissive, its this very same reason that most of your coders quit on you.

Posted: 09-08-2005 17:30
by CripTonic
Xill don't you love how difficult it is trying to tell David he's doing something wrong?


Posted: 09-08-2005 22:17
by DavidM
xill talks too much about stuff he has no clue about
im sorry

Posted: 09-08-2005 22:18
by DavidM
if i'd listen to people telling me i do something wrong, there would be no deathball and nothing. i rely on my ideas and visions etc :)

Posted: 10-08-2005 02:03
by InSaNe`
Anyways I'd like to help but I'm currently lost; I don't know what DavidM is really asking for.

Don't give up xilly :P

Posted: 10-08-2005 08:11
by xiller8r
DavidM wrote: if i'd listen to people telling me i do something wrong, there would be no deathball and nothing. i rely on my ideas and visions etc :)

Nobody told you you were doing anything wrong, you're not doing.....anything.

& Insy, some people just aren't worth the effort any more:x