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Posted: 14-01-2006 03:47
by snackbar
I'm going to fall asleep soon.
This one is crazy, how on earth has anyone made it out.

Posted: 14-01-2006 03:48
by meep98324
maybe they don't wear glasses? that's really killing me right now!

Posted: 14-01-2006 04:05
by snackbar
I hacve glasses too. Yeah, that's it, we protest because we have glasses. :)

right, im sure a lot of 4-eyes have solved it

Posted: 14-01-2006 04:13
by meep98324
actually, probably not that many people have solved this level period, it's pretty near the end :) In my school, so many people have glasses, that me make fun of the 2-eyes!

Posted: 15-01-2006 01:17
by MBolus
Well, that was unpleasant.

Posted: 15-01-2006 01:18
by meep98324
you got it?

Posted: 15-01-2006 01:21
by meep98324
got it!

Posted: 17-01-2006 23:09
by egonthx
anyone wants to teamwork on this one? :)

Posted: 31-01-2006 01:14
by Hex
I found 60% of what I'm supposed to find but the rest is so unclear, and I can't be sure whether I've found something useful or not. Too ambiguous of a level, can someone help?

Posted: 31-01-2006 02:05
by Nicky
If you've got 60% of it you should be able to guess the rest :)
or you could keep looking and go blind lol

Posted: 25-02-2006 23:58
by janni93
just arrived here \o/
Wow, beta was a hard one to crack (too many misleading ideas, too many hours on PhotoShop :(, but when I tried the final idea it worked at once :D) and you guys don't give me the impression that gamma is easier...

Posted: 26-02-2006 00:10
by meep98324
it's not :D

Posted: 26-02-2006 00:35
by MBolus
janni93 wrote: just arrived here \o/
Wow, beta was a hard one to crack (too many misleading ideas, too many hours on PhotoShop :(, but when I tried the final idea it worked at once :D) and you guys don't give me the impression that gamma is easier...

The answer to Beta could potentially jump right out at you, but Gamma won't.

Posted: 09-05-2006 19:18
by Klaxa
wuRst wrote: *done in a few minutes! :)

Is it really possible to solve this in a few minutes?

Posted: 09-05-2006 19:19
by Orio
lol thats hard but I believe so :)
