Minus Level Account Poll

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, amh

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Post by Springer »

Well said, supamom. I will be sticking around for a long time to come whatever happens. This great community has been part of the fun. :)

DavidM, you know the donations link is so hard to find after it stops being advertised, it certainly needs pushing more. I know it's late for me and I've had a couple of wines but, well, where is it??? :(
Last edited by Springer on 30-04-2005 22:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kiz »

it's up to you if you want to put ads in the game, but personally I find popups or flashy, eyesight-damaging banner ads to be extremely annoying. And actually there was a really big popup on one of the levels for a dating site that was pretty evil :P it was bigger than my screen n such.

10 euros is about 13 U.S. dollars... i think that is reasonable. I pay that much when I go to the movies or buy a music CD. However I don't think I am going to be around to pay it... I've gotten distracted by other things in my life and don't spend a lot of time on notpron now. So, that's a No vote from me :P

But... c'mon people! think of how much money you would spend in one day, on maybe just one trip to the movies, or one book, or a couple of hours at a video game arcade, or two cups of Starbucks frapuccino. And think about how many hours it takes you to play notpron! DavidM should be paid for this stuff! Especially if you think he's a genius!
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Post by nighthawk263 »

David I think whatever you decide to do, those of us that have stuck through this whole riddle, will continue to do so.
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Post by DavidM »

angelsk wrote: but what about people posting the login information on places like Masterforums, just so peopel can get ot the later levles without buying an account?

if an account is being used by more than one person, it will be removed.....thats no problem
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Post by angelsk »

DavidM wrote: if an account is being used by more than one person, it will be removed.....thats no problem

IP logging?
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Post by DavidM »

I've read all, and I will read all that are still to come. I can't comment on all, but I do some thinking about all. Thanks to all (major overuse of "all" here!!) for their comments.
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Post by DavidM »

Oh, as for the money amount...
Really think about what you pay for a bottle of beer, and compare the time it entertains you.
Or a fullprize game for 45€ that keeps you playing for 2 or 7 days....
you know how long you have been busy with notpron, also including the community chats etc......which is surprisingly nice here. Never experienced such a nice game community...
Sure thing, it's not counterstrike (which attracts retards like shit attracts flies)...so stupid people will hardly get into it.

Dunno if asking for more donations helps. I mean all think "let the others donate". I mean in the last 2 weeks I've gotten 1 donation of 5€....imagine how much that makes, and how many % it is. Maybe I should put up the donation list again, that shows all people that donated :S
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Post by veryhardgame »

How much money do you get for each google search? I can sit and do random searches whenever I am bored. You could write something on the tempend with a google bar that asks them to search and support notpron.

EDIT - I just clicked search over and over on a search for google for 5 minutes straight (about 250 clicks per minute). If everybody does that once a day then that would help alot even if it is like 1 cent per search. If 30 people did it, that would make $300 a day if its for 1 cent
Last edited by veryhardgame on 01-05-2005 01:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GhostsDaddy »

I haven't read the rest of this thread, just David's post.

Here's what I think.

I'd pay a one time fee of up to 20 bucks, as long as I know other people would be willing to pay as well.

I wouldn't like to pay per level. A one-time fee would be great.

I mean, if I pay 20 bucks and get notpron for life, I think that's a very good deal, especially if I know that I'll be getting quality levels and quality people with whom I can associate. :)

All in all, I actually approve of this idea.

Not that my opinion matters. :P
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Post by theCrusifix »

i dont like the thougts of ad pages...I think more levels should include the google bar and make more riddles that way. and stress how much using that instead of a new window will help keep notpr0n alive! my only thought on this is that i hate going to a site and seeing banners for everything except what i need. I have donated before and can do it again. But i dont think it will be needed if we all use the google bar ...just click the shit out of it when your thinking of how to solve the puzzle, i could probably click that little bastard 8,000 times while thinking of what to do next.
I do know that it will be very hard to get many others to donate money...i mean i dont pay for anything besides my internet connection. and most others are that way, when i belive that a donation is deserved "which it is" i will give it, but for the pay me and you can go further, kinda turns me off. WE CAN, AND WILL find a better solution to this....

p.s. guys donate because you love notpron even if DavidM is a rich riddlemaster or a poor riddlemaster, it is deserved!! He is almost like a freind to us and many of the other mods, if your freind gave you a game to play, would you donate 5 dollars to their pockets?
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Post by frkyjenn »

When I reached level 80 the first time around I made a donation to notpron.

I would pay to continue enjoying notpron.

So.. name your price :)
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Post by theak »

1 Million Dollars!

/me puts the Dr. Evil pinky in mouth.

...I'm basically going with the crowd on this one...but I dunno, I'd really like to know for sure what my money would be going for (not that its alot) but I'd be more willing to pay...
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Post by aic2276 »

Just a quick thought, isn't it just a temporary solution for making money as not a lot of people will make it this far and the ones that will in the future may decide not to. just a thought I had while shopping earlier. Hopefully we can all come up with a better solution.like instead of popup adds, have them built directly in the page and ask people to click them in the source to help genetrate money to continue NotPron.

I would personally go through and solve the riddle again when waiting for a new level and click the ads for you to generate money.
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Post by nighthawk263 »

aic2276 wrote: Just a quick thought, isn't it just a temporary solution for making money as not a lot of people will make it this far and the ones that will in the future may decide not to.

You do have a point there aic, even additional people do make it how often are they going to, and how dedicated are they going to be in continuing?
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Post by Springer »

Yes, aic2276, you have made some valid points there. It would just be a temporary solution.
The ads in the source is a good idea. Reminding people about the Google bar in BIG letters and putting more about donations will all help I think. I don't think it would hurt to put up a donations list either, us neg people won't care much but it might encourage some of the early positives people to know that people do actually donate.
I think I found the donations link from the old page 80, or an earlier level, when I did it and got the book at the same time. I'll look again now I am sober! [Edit: Silly me, found it, I should have thought about a level!]
And this afternoon I will click away on the Google link. :)
Last edited by Springer on 01-05-2005 09:11, edited 1 time in total.