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Posted: 03-01-2005 06:20
by EsorcismoNJD
GibBall is the ultimate fun mode... for when serious DB games just lack enjoyment

Catalyst rules!

Posted: 03-01-2005 06:46
by beefsack
ah cheers dont worry about the pm i got the package <3

Posted: 03-01-2005 12:45
by Messy
fb.shev wrote: oh right now i remember, i like played it once.. its a gg if u are a good volley spammer

Unless you're able to keep everything under control by using alt fire :)

It takes some practice and some decent teamies who do the same to create a superduper GB-game.

ps: Take Your Time rules! >_< it's a shame it doesn't get used very often :o
slomo <3

Posted: 03-01-2005 13:35
by Moanhead2k5
gibball was so annoying :@

Posted: 03-01-2005 15:16
by `Ghost`
i want your avatar

Posted: 03-01-2005 16:44
by EsorcismoNJD
Those who don't like it, don't play it... end of story... many of us are, however, looking forward to its arrival... thank you Imaginos for your continued contributions to this and to the other project currently in development =D Not to mention cata the head developer

Posted: 03-01-2005 18:38
by Inphidel
I love gibball. its a shame tho people are STILL trying to squeeze 10-12 people into a smallcube size map. the other day. it was on 1 on 1 with 12 ppl! there was like 40 telefrags in a row and then the ball would score.


seeing gibball is back in full effect. i'm gonna try and make some gibball specific maps.

I think gibball is best served with keeperless goals so to speak. like hellhole (where it takes more then just shooting the ball straight at a net to score (use the ceiling or setting some kinda set so someone can spike it in etc)

and with the arival of the new volume in a future version of deathball to allow pbox kills without keeper abilitys. mmmm i can't wait :)

wonder if i can get the name of this volume, and put it in even tho it won't work till another release is made :)

Posted: 05-01-2005 20:44
by METAFrank
Looking forward to playing a few games of GB now and then, it was a great fun mod with some serious new tactics to it...
I just need to wait till i can get
my copy of 2k4 back which i lent a friend...

(*mentions his new athlon 64 3500+ with 1024mb RAM and GeForce 6k8 for no reason except happiness about it)

Posted: 05-01-2005 21:12
by Sina
oh yes i do

Posted: 05-01-2005 22:14
by EsorcismoNJD
Well with 2.4 coming out we're going to need to make a few changes in the coding, as of now we have a nicely working 2.3 version with only one minor error that I'm having trouble picking up. Basically, previous 2.3 betas had the ball losing all velocity when a player is destroyed... now the ball (much like versions before 2.0) will carry about 20% of the velocity of the player that it hits. The only problem with this is... in the event of a Death Goal (i.e. the player runs into the ball and the ball goes into the goal), it doesn't register because it believes that the LastController is set to none. Working on this one at the moment... but after that, all set till 2.4

Posted: 05-01-2005 23:47
by fro
am i right in thinking it just based off standard db, ie no map specific actor-y/volume things needed?

Posted: 06-01-2005 02:03
by Inphidel
gibball is based on same principals as deathball with some chances, one you cannot catch the ball. its a spikey ball that makes you explode upon catch. so because you don't ever catch there is no pass button, which has been replaced with an alternative-fire option of shield, which allows you to stop the ball.

currently you cannot push the gibball because its geting caugh through the radius of the shield when you move, or perhapse somthing in unreal2k4 is different where the ball's momentum is stopped meaning it won't be started when you move so it just goes through the shield. but anyway.

I find gibball to be best played on hole style maps /w a roof, its alot more challenging to score because you can't just overpower the keeper with spamfast of shots hoping to kill everyone in the path. takes a lil aim, or angle playing.

check out - i hope to make this a standard style for gibball and have some kinda tournament.

Posted: 06-01-2005 09:32
by Coolzonies

Posted: 06-01-2005 17:10
by Imaginos
I'm pretty swamped for the next few days, but I hope we can get back to working on tweaking GB soon.

Posted: 06-01-2005 20:39
by EsorcismoNJD
Yeah most of it seems done... just that new minor issue that's arisen... other than that, we'll just have to plan for 2.4 which I'm told will be a huge effort