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Posted: 24-03-2003 11:55
by f1end
Cata has my vote...BUT...y does it have to be a UK we not have enough players to have an England team, a Scotland team, etc.
(Mainly so i have a chance to get in :))

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:08
by DavidM
shouldnt you do an english, scottish, irish etc team?

edit, noticed f1end said the same :E

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:16
by ThaGiMiC
I know England has alot of players but not sure about the rest of the UK =0

In fact England have enough to have a northern and southern team \o/

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:23
by NightSpirit|ZBN
NaB wrote: maybe gim, but you'll need clear leader to pick a team of 5 for a match. i cant see how that would work with 3 cos that only leaves 2 places. ...

Just made me think of a point, how many National teams have a player/manager? Surely you'd want someone that would not pick themselves for every game regardless? It's sometimes easier to see who is not having a good game by watching from above.

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:29
by NightSpirit|ZBN
England has a LOT of players who would play, so I would like North and South teams. But who would be responsible for drawing that line?

Seen very few scottish and welsh players and no irish ones so I don't know if those teams could get enough together for a team. :(

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:32
by ThaGiMiC
LOL I say draw the line at Watford, just to keep it simple for the southerners =)

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:38
by DavidM
you should concentrate on getting one überteam together
not 10 so so teams...

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:45
by ThaGiMiC
An uberteam?? <- what the hell is that?

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:48
by f1end
not an uberteam....but an überteam

I personally am Scottish, even tho i don't live there...and 2 more of my clan are too...surely there are enough?

P.S... this forum is getting rather full of national team threads....can we not have a forum just for national teams?

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:50
by ThaGiMiC
Either way uber (missing ..) <- what does it mean anyway.

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:52
by L33FY
Über = Good I think :/ Very good or something like that.

ALT + 154 btw.

Posted: 24-03-2003 13:54
by ThaGiMiC
LOL Leefy i dont know any of these sort of words, yet i hear them so often on the servers. Didnt know what 1337 till the other day =|

Posted: 24-03-2003 14:13
by Rens2Sea
The other day? =O
What other day? \o/

Posted: 24-03-2003 14:16
by f1end
or alt u if ur on a mac

Posted: 24-03-2003 14:17
by Fuzz
Good idea F1end, England, Scotland etc would be better, I wanna play :) Bein Scottish, hopefully that increases my chances greatly :P