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Posted: 15-11-2004 15:40
by Messy
Intro doesn't work for me /o\

And latency (if that's what you mean) should definitely not be changed :) if people can get so close, the shot shouldn't be saved imo

gg defense ^^;

Posted: 15-11-2004 16:22
by DavidM
oops, intro was removed because it was causing bugs at totally different places in the game. made no sense, but i saw no way out at the moment

Posted: 15-11-2004 17:30
by Esorcismo
Well maybe not irradicated, but potentially lowered... because sometimes shots barely inside the penalty box are a victim of the ".15 effect". Maybe for keep make it .05 or .10 or something like that? Just something lower than that of all other players.

Posted: 16-11-2004 10:31
by f1end
I had a problem in single player...

the team I created, didn't appear on the list...and after every match I had to press esc. then click back to singleplayer to get the results and to get it to continue.

Also...bots are annoying cos they don't know how to boost after a loose ball to regain possession.

Posted: 16-11-2004 12:40
by DavidM
I agree...bots became pretty boost-stupid

Posted: 16-11-2004 13:15
by cY|riCo
old :D