Sprint decision, coming to an end...

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Post by devnull »

ok if you haven`t notice(which you prob haven`t) there is not but maybe 2 team servers that have sprint on...i might be putting my foot in my mouth but, even thought it is an optiong to have sprint on why even have it if people aren`t going to play with it...i know so many teams that think it is stupid and that refuse to run it on there server only because it makes the over all gameplay too easy for some, suck for others, and just impossible for most....i have to say sprint is the worst idea the DB team has had...no ofence to you all you did a great job on 1.6....another thing it should not just be up to the home team what setting the server is on...map and such i agree...but why force a team to play with an option that no server runs anyways...what are they suppose to do ..practice in a bot match...there is no ryme or reason to it... IMO and alot of other peoples you should just take sprinting out all together and decide on what is best for all instead of just 1.....last you said you didn`t want uber teams and bad teams...well from what i understand in anyother game there are uber teams and bad teams...game makers don`t just add an options and change the rules just because some teams are better than others...i think and as a few others think ...this game is being changed in favor of your team and not for the good of the league
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Post by night »

i love sprint. although i detest any amount of stamina reduction for jumping.

but i can gaurantee those that hate it never played with it more than 5 minutes.

try turning sprint on in a match. but tell everyone they cant use it.
what do you think will happen??

now try turning off cherry picking...oh, wait. you cant.
so what do you do ??
you deal with it.

if i threw this same attitude over cherry picking, i would get 50 replies of "its part of the game, just defend him".

he added to this game. volley was an overall great addition. no one bitched about that. now we have a new feature that could very well add even more to the game, but no one can see it.

david, you should have made the sprint on full time.
teams would have agreed not to use it.
but it would still have slowly been tried cuz it was always there.
it would have eventually gotten the 'cherry picker treatment' and may have been slowly adopted.
now it is off all over the damn place, and no one ever gets to play with sprint.
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Post by BodenMaddox »

I agree that the sprint option should be left to both teams. If they both agree to use it, then use it. If one doesn't want to, then don't force them to. I agree with an earlier comment that DB is successful because it's pure fun. If you require that teams practice with many variations of options, then it becomes work and not fun. :-(
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Post by DavidM »

devnull, looks like you didn't understand most of my first post...

anyway, What I don't like at all about turning sprint off, is, it's just a simple light version of the game, takes out so much depth! And in the first division its about the best of the best teams...and they can't just play "DB-light".

So another suggestion:
In first division: Sprint always on
In 2nd and lower devisions: Sprint Off, if both teams agree, Sprint on.

Comments please.
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Post by Bazzi »


Although it's hard for those who qualify for the first league in the upcoming season! But they can practise sprint in friendlies/clanwars.

Other than that, this would be OK.
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Post by DavidM »

Yeah, we need a better solution for the change from 2nd to 1st div.
But it would really hurt to see the BEST teams play the light version!
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Post by NaB »

DavidM wrote:
So another suggestion:
In first division: Sprint always on
In 2nd and lower devisions: Sprint Off, if both teams agree, Sprint on.

Comments please.

if you do that DBL will die. expect most of the teams in Div 1 to drop out :\ (and dont think thats a bluff)

I dont mind sprint myself but i know a lot of my teammates WILL NOT play with it on. If you do that, somone else will set up a DB league with sprint off. it may not be as good in terms of quality of admin, number of servers etc... as the official one (i think youve done a pretty good job of that tbh) but it wil be more fun. and thats whats important.

sprint on if both teams agree is the only way to go imo.

its been long enuff for ppl to have got used to sprint now. maybe another vote to see if ppl want it as a

home team decision, or as a

if both teams decide to have it on decision.


I dont agree with your 'DB light' version. i see it more as DB classic and DB quirky.
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Post by DavidM »

"off, and on when both agree" will be the way to go if the majority of the 1st division teams dont like it
tho it's pretty poor in the end :/

another poor thing...there are over 1000 players in this league, but not even 20 replied here
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Post by Bazzi »

I dont mind sprint myself but i know a lot of my teammates WILL NOT play with it on.
Any good reason why?
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

How about thinking of some non-cy enhancing rules? maybe some fairness? If most of the teams don't want sprint, don't put it on, otherwise you'll start to loose the DB community again. Think about it, you saw the results of the poll, if your not happy about it, start another poll. But you should have it so that it should only be on IF both teams agree. Other wise you'll find teams WANTING to stay in the 2nd DIV. When they get premoted all they'll want to do is loose hust to get back to the 2nd DIV.

Here's a suggestion, make another league seperate for the teams that actually want sprint on, then teams may want to join as it comes along. Please don't be lame and ignore the non-cy community.
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Post by NaB »

I fairly represent the views of nearly 20 players. There are a couple in TEZC that probably dont agree but the majority do.
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Post by DavidM »

Thanks for not readin the first post, Rage.
This is one of the posts that will be ignored.
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Post by Bazzi »

In fact, cY was never asked before sprinting has been put in. There are also other teams (at least 14 in the league) who want to play with Sprint always on. You can't ignore them.
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Post by fro »

heres my reply:

splitting the divisions into effective sprint on, and sprint optional is a worst idea than the 1 sec keeper latency. It would create a bigger gap between the teams, which is not a good thing for competitions sake.

"off, and on when both agree"... is the best option, the people demand comprimise. this is the comprimise.

@edit: 14 teams who want it on out of 191 does not make a majority :/

figures from teamlist, i know some are gone/ghost teams but still....
Last edited by fro on 19-03-2003 13:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

P.S I know you don't want people to decend to 'cy-rules' but if you don't want us to don't make it so obvious please, then you won't get these comments :p