suggestion to enhance teamwork

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Post by Cyph »

you can't make a perfectly timed run to get in the clear in DB. In soccer people have momentum, it takes them a couple of seconds to get moving, and you can get ahead of them in that time without being offside. You can't do that in DB.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

beefsack wrote: uhm, sure. well, if there is a defensive trap (as there tend to be in offsides), a perfectly timed run to get into the clear takes brains. it takes brains to be a defender in offside too.

Takes brains to make space at the moment... well as long as you have sprint turned off, if it's on defenders just sprint back straight away (since they tend to jump less, and have more stamina left). Sprint is just a get out of jail card and actually creates less space... boosting away defenders tactically shouldnt be removed in this way. The thing with the n00bcannons is exactly the way quite a lot of people felt about the dribbling... a bit of a skill-less exploit.