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Posted: 05-09-2004 07:02
by FL-
R3L!K: What's your FPS online with other players?

Posted: 05-09-2004 09:07
by GoldenGun
Its a bit worse but not really important, still good to play.

AMD 1800+
Ati radeon 8500 series
256 ddr ram
Latest Ut patch

Posted: 05-09-2004 09:27
by PayLay
i used to get good fps ingame :( now i have to play with low settings everywhere or it starts going backwards :x

P4 3.6
2048DDR PC 3700
X800pro @ XT softmodded

latest ut2004 version patch

well it only came now when i installed my new card and i play online , when i play botmatch i have fine fps but in the benchmark my fps are low again

online i have in cube everything on highest 1280* only 23 fps
with 10 bots in sp its 110 fps average

i play on low 800*600 and then i get 70 fps so thats how i play
i dont think its patch related though i think its got something to do with my system

online fps with 5+ players on 1280* = +-25
offline fps with 5+ bots on 1280* = +-110
every other game runs fine except damn battlefield whatever :o

Posted: 05-09-2004 14:06
by R3L!K
FL- wrote: R3L!K: What's your FPS online with other players?

edited my post to answer this

Posted: 05-09-2004 15:30
by Sixty
No, but I never really check my fps, I have practically everything on Low. (Radeon 9600Pro)

Posted: 05-09-2004 16:07
by StRaFe
Seem to lose 15 fps on cube 2.1 than 2.0. Nothing major


Posted: 05-09-2004 16:18
by FL-
Let me ask this, is anyone with an nvidia card experiencing these online fps issues?

Posted: 05-09-2004 16:24
by Ashleh
Cube --> 69 avg

Often i shoot the ball, after its passed me and still hit it. Has done that a few times other then that, smooth.

CPU: P4 2.8
Ram: 1Gb
HD: 120gb < (if needed)
Graphics: 128mb ti4600 (gf4 msi)
300k Connection

Posted: 05-09-2004 16:33
by Twigstir
2.0 Gig
768 Ram
9700 Pro
3 mb internet connection (384kbps upload)

I play UT with high settings and all the stuff like coronas on. Resolution 1024 x 768.

I play deathball with low settings and all stuff like coronas off. Resolution 1024x768. I also move the video card setting to performance just for deathball.

I've never found deathball to run anywhere close to UT, performance wise.

For 2.1 ect... I have a much harder time playing online when the player count increases. The more players the worse. It's often unplayable with 10 or 12 players. Even on the best possible FPS maps like small enclosure, I now have problems.

With 2.1, my ability to volley off a pass is worse that 2.0 and the genneral game lag is worse.

When I get a chance I'll post some FPS numbers.

Posted: 05-09-2004 17:30
by Shev.npu

50fps on cube with:

1900+ clocked at 1.2g
mx400 gf2
710kbs connection

Posted: 05-09-2004 18:45
by FL-
This is definately an issue with ATI cards. I don't have one so it's going to be extremely hard to find what's causing the problem. Can you tell me which driver version you are using?

Posted: 05-09-2004 23:08
by R3L!K
I'm not seeing any major issues with my ATI

I can't say for sure if there is a performace drop from 2.0 but I know that regular UT has always dropped FPS on a busy server.

I thought that was normal.

4.8 catalyst drivers

Posted: 06-09-2004 03:33
by The_One
Looks like they found the cause ( I hope).

Posted: 06-09-2004 04:21
by Twigstir
R3L!K wrote: I can't say for sure if there is a performace drop from 2.0 but I know that regular UT has always dropped FPS on a busy server.

I thought that was normal.

Yes it is. And busy servers are where some of us notice a difference between 2.0 and 2.1.

Lets hope we'll really see a good improvement in 2.1e (see The One's post)

Posted: 06-09-2004 04:24
by DavidM
im gonna test it in a bit. but its never been really bad to me. but robert says ATI's should be a lot better