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Posted: 28-08-2004 03:46
by Fo|Phoenix
the beta 3 was released on 22nd per ur post. that for me is a sunday. That is why I said that. Sunday, monday, tuesday are generally very busy days for na players atleast from where I come from anyhow.

Posted: 28-08-2004 03:55
by CorDawg
i dont see the difference between beta testing an releasing it then putting a patch out.

Posted: 28-08-2004 04:01
by Catalyst88
Maybe getting people to play actual proper full-sized full-length games on it for a week or so before releasing it would be a good idea.

Posted: 28-08-2004 04:24
by Esorcismo
CorDawg wrote: i dont see the difference between beta testing an releasing it then putting a patch out.


Posted: 28-08-2004 05:06
by Twigstir
If you want to avoid patches, it sound like you need a pre-release. I beta release where DavidM tells everyone on the forums to switch to the beta. Hammer out the bugs and put out the version you'll PR and submit to the contest or whatever. Hopefully the finial with be like a patch, with only a minor download/upload.

You find all the bugs and hear all the bitching after everyone switches. You need that switch during the beta stage. Do everyting the same up until you think your ready to release. Then put out a beta and ask everyone to switch.

You'll have a better version to PR and submit this way.

Posted: 28-08-2004 06:03
by Esorcismo
Too much emphasis on release numbers and shit... why not just go Mandrake Linux style? Beta 1, Beta 2, RC 1, RC 2, RC 3, Final Product... RC's will get more attention for the simple reason that they've already passed a "beta" stage

Posted: 28-08-2004 06:18
by Catalyst88
Or you could go Debian and release them under names like "woody" or "cabbage" or "omfgwtf"

Posted: 28-08-2004 07:30
by XiD
Perhaps the reason no one beta tested is because of the tremendous installation problems that existed? Fuck, I had to jump through hoops to install the "final" 2.1. I wouldn't have the patience to deal with a beta that i can barely install.

Also, word barely got out. This is the first I've heard of this "beta," and I play quite a bit.

Another complaint - the volley speed is VERY random...sometimes i hit the ball from a teammates set, and it goes fucking 50km/s, whereas i set myself a good wallbounce and get around 130km/s. ....?

Posted: 28-08-2004 07:30
by Fo|Phoenix
or maybe go to the linux numbering system. Where the odd's are betas and the evens are finals. ie. 2.1 beta once bugs are worked out 2.2 is released as final.

Posted: 28-08-2004 09:21
by Shev.npu
can i just say... slow the fuck down :s

no sides taking but dont u think the bugs we found we couldnt find in beta test? apart from the volley bug? oh so what deal with that... ive never got it

the spawn bug was found in a public match WAY after the release date, and if u think u can find this straight away u got another thing coming excorsimo or whoever.

all the rest are NOT bugs! volley bounce = no, smallcube = no, fps = no,
so quit complaining, theres only 1 major bug and i dont even think u could of found that urself!

Posted: 28-08-2004 11:34
by Onge
DavidM wrote: the bugs were found right after 2.1 came out, because then people started to play.....
during the beta testing we didn't get it.
so...we take no blame, we keep telling you to beta test if you want a good version.

and if you have nothing to say but "just fix it"......then fuck off....totally pointless

I was away for the weekend when you beta tested. You really should have had a longer period to test it - I found bugs straight away in 2.1 that I might have found if I could have beta tested it. And quite often bugs get reported but are overlooked as there are more important things to fix.

I'm sure TV are working to fix things and I hope lessons have been learnt. Hopefully more will want to beta test in the future - it really is in your interests to do so.

Posted: 28-08-2004 12:40
by DavidM
phoenix, it came out on thursday and was tested until monday

onge, its really not up to one person not being there.
its the masses not wanting to test, but afterwards they go moan and some insult us cuz there are bugs!

Posted: 28-08-2004 13:22
by Onge
My point was the testing period was too short. One tester won't make a great deal of difference. But I agree, those who moan should make the effort to beta test.

Posted: 28-08-2004 14:36
by DavidM
i say it was way too long. as i said 3 times. after it was released the bugs were found within a few hours.
if people would help more instead of moaning afterwards........blah
im running in circles and nobody listens

Posted: 28-08-2004 15:56
by Shev.npu
idd davidm

read my post, only little thing were found and wasnt much a problem, and then came the spawn bug, i bet my mortgage when im old enough that no1 found it while testing, and knowing ever would until a while after releasing it...